Showing posts with label impact. Show all posts
Showing posts with label impact. Show all posts

Friday, April 12, 2024

Speak No Evil: No arguments in the weekend - Three Zodiac signs must avoid it

Each sign has its own characteristics and astral influences, and this can have a significant impact on how you interact with those around you, especially during times of tension. For certain signs, arguments and conflicts can amplify stress and lead to a tumultuous time. In this regard, Cancer, Capricorn and Sagittarius are three signs that could benefit most from avoiding arguments over the weekend to maintain balance and harmony in their lives.


As a water sign, Cancer is known for its deep sensitivity and intuition. He lives his life through emotion and is extremely connected to his feelings and those of those around him. While they can be an empathetic and loving partner, Cancer can also be very vulnerable to conflict and arguments. The tensions in his relationships or work environment can have a strong impact on his emotional state. Thus, to avoid a tumultuous period, Cancer should avoid conflicts and direct their attention to activities that bring them peace and comfort.


With a serious and focused approach to life, Capricorns are known for their ambition and determination to achieve their set goals. It is a sign that values responsibility and stability, and conflict can disrupt this harmony. Capricorn can be very emotionally affected by arguments and tensions in relationships or in the professional environment. To avoid a tumultuous period, Capricorn should stay focused on their goals and carefully manage their interactions with those around them.


With his adventurous and optimistic spirit, Sagittarius is always looking for new experiences and adventures. It is a sign that hates to feel constrained or restricted, and arguments can have a negative impact on its individual freedom. Sagittarius can become defensive or impulsive in the face of conflict, which can make the situation worse. To avoid a tumultuous period, Sagittarius should find ways to relieve stress and maintain their optimism and adventurous spirit.

In conclusion, Cancer, Capricorn and Sagittarius are three signs that could benefit from avoiding arguments over the weekend to maintain balance and harmony in their lives. By understanding their unique characteristics and carefully managing their interactions with those around them, these signs can improve their quality of life and avoid tumultuous times.

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Predictive Astrology - The impact of the planets on life on earth (I)

ASTROLOGY – "Prediction that consists in the interpretation of the influences of the stars and planets on the events that take place on Earth and on the destiny of people. In Antiquity, it was inseparable from astronomy. It has its origins in Mesopotamia (approx. III Millennium BC), spreading then in India. Its western form developed within the Greek civilization, during the Hellenistic period. It entered Islamic culture as part of the Greek tradition and was taken over by European culture in the Middle Ages through the chain of Arabic teachings. According to the Greek tradition, the sky is divided according to the 12 constellations of the zodiac, and the big stars, which rise at certain time intervals, have a spiritual influence on people's lives. Astrology also played an important role in ancient China. During the imperial period, drawing up a horoscope for each new -born and then other predictions, at key moments of his life, became a common procedure. Although the Copernican system destroyed the geocentric perspective necessary in astrology, interest in it continued into the modern period, considering that the zodiac signs influence the personality human."

Astrological studies can be helpful in countless areas of human activity, over various periods of time: hours, days, months, years, centuries. The stars leave their mark in any individual or collective action, because everything enters into a relationship at a given moment: between planets, between signs, from one person to another, up to the level of nation and generation.

There is medical astrology, which studies the influence of the movement of the planets on the body, on our state of health. addresses the ASTRE - HEALTH relationship

Relational astrology analyzes the way in which two partners can mutually influence each other in any type of relationship (partnership, couple, family, parent-child, friendship, etc.), starting from the planetary interactions that they create on the astral maps of the two. 

It addresses the relationship INDIVIDUAL - OTHER INDIVIDUAL

Karmic astrology predicts the effects of previous lives on the current one.

Natal astrology - the most widespread because it is the starting point in the study of astrology - analyzes the human character, starting from the position of the planets in the sky at the time of birth. It addresses the relationship PAST LIFE - CURRENT LIFE

(to be continued)