Showing posts with label love compatibility. Show all posts
Showing posts with label love compatibility. Show all posts

Monday, May 13, 2024

The Alchemy of Love Compatibility: which signs go best soulmate? (II)


Taurus is undoubtedly the most romantic lover of the zodiac. For her part, Virgo dreams of a relationship where we swear fidelity to each other. Together, it’s for life or nothing. Both signs speak the same love language. They understand each other the alchemy without having to talk too much and see their relationship evolving towards the same goal. Taurus will reassure Virgo, he will push her to gain confidence in herself and to stop doubting. For her part, Virgo, organized, will fill Taurus' need for security and stability. Even more, she will know how to put an end to her perpetual questioning. It must be said that Taurus in love can sometimes be jealous... Both are devoted. Their life together will therefore be made up of sweet words on the pillow and little surprises to brighten up everyday life. A pure love that constantly maintain soulmate alchemy.


They are the Bonnie and Clyde of the zodiac. Lively, fiery, temperamental and at the same time so tender. Leo and Aquarius form a magical duo... So much so that they could end up exhausting those around them. Together, they talk about everything, they inspire each other, they move forward, they aim for the summits. As curious as each other, Leo and Aquarius are constantly looking for something new. How to break their routine? If, at first glance, one might think that they take everything lightly, in reality, they dedicate themselves to spicing up each other's lives. They marvel together and each situation is an opportunity to enjoy life to the fullest. Halfway between Carpe Diem and Dolce Vita, they let themselves be carried away by a saving current. We love each other, we have fun. What more alchemy?


The feeling passes from the first words spoken. Intellectuals at heart, Sagittarius and Libra never stop challenging each other. Enough to plan long evenings vigorously discussing almost all subjects. Together, they remake the world by listening to each other as if nothing else existed around them. It must be said that both are particularly curious, which promotes communication and exchange between the couple. Sagittarius invites Libra to free itself, it takes it on a journey, transports it to a universe where passion is ardent, burning. For her part, the beauty of the zodiac pushes Sagittarius to open up, she broadens his field of possibilities. In bed, same observation. The two never get bored, they are constantly trying new things, having fun. The fusion is perfect and the antics are as adventurous as they are exotic.


In their relationships, Cancer and Scorpio are in search of the same happiness: to experience everything so passionately that the rest automatically takes second place. He shares the same sensitivity and has a similar outlook on the world. When they love, it’s never half-hearted. The two give their whole body and soul to the other without the slightest hesitation. In addition to having the same tastes, they enjoy the same creative sensitivity. It is therefore a fusional soulmate relationship that is emerging on the horizon. A couple who say everything to each other, a duo who listen to each other and who operate on the same dynamic. Trust is the keystone of this relationship. They know that they will never be betrayed. A bit of a blue flower, Cancer will bring sweetness to Scorpio when Scorpio makes Cancer vibrate. Together, they become invincible.


It is undoubtedly the most sensual alliance of the zodiac. Both beings vibrate at the same frequency. Touch, caress and sweet words. Taurus and Pisces could live on love compatibility and water


Please note, it seems important to us to emphasize that astrology is not an exact science. The love compatibilities mentioned above may sometimes not work. Yes, the astrological sign only represents a tiny part of your personality, which is why you may have the impression of not finding yourself in what you read about your sign. The ascendant, your moon sign, the placements of Venus or Mercury in your birth chart can also play a role in your preferences and expectations. Have you just met? Do not rush. Let the magic of the present moment and the power of destiny work.

Saturday, May 11, 2024

The Alchemy of Love compatibility: which signs go best soulmate? (I)

Some astrological signs are meant to be together by their alchemy. They are inseparable and the chemistry that arises from their meeting is undeniable. Discover the best love duos of the zodiac.

Lucky coincidence or lucky date, it is the alchemy. Love is one of those things that is sometimes difficult to explain. Why did you match at first sight? Why can't you stand this kind of people anymore? Why do you always fall for the same profiles? This is where astrology comes into play. This divinatory art would have the gift of putting into words the behavior and preferences of each person. Depending on your astrological sign and that of your other half (or your crush), it is possible to establish certain profiles. And because love at first sight happens quickly, it’s better to find out about the magic combinations that exist. In this area, there is plenty to do. While some astrological signs don't go together, others seem to be made for each other. A simple story of love compatibility… A short guide to understanding everything, a short guide to soulmate..


Since the dawn of time, the way in which romantic relationships are orchestrated has fascinated crowds and inspired artists. Myth or reality Or The Alchemy?? It's a bit up to everyone their own answer. Whether we believe it or not, astrology has established several very distinct criteria to assess the rate of romantic compatibility between two beings. To do this, it is necessary to look at individuals’ natal charts. This “astrological identity card” which we obtain from the time, date and place of birth of each person allows us to draw up a most complete profile. Venus will tell us the way of loving and the meaning we give to the word couple, Mercury will detail the way of flirting and building romantic relationships, the Moon will evoke the way in which we experience our emotions. In short, the list of things to look at romantic relationships in love compatibility is quite complete.

Astrologers use a technique called “synastry” which aims to compare the astral chart of lovers to highlight the common points and questions that the couple might encounter. If you're a big romantic, chances are you're wondering "where's the magic in all of this?" ". The answer is simple: almost everywhere... Yes, it's magical to see that certain astrological signs are more likely to get along than others. Question of character… and “elements”, retort the astrologers.


There is a theory based on the elements that make up our environment. A sort of legend, which, applied to love and the compatibilities of astrological signs, takes on its full meaning. “Fire extinguishes Water, Water nourishes the Earth, Earth suffocates Air, Air fuels Fire. » The most advanced of the apprentice witches will surely have recognized the four elements of the zodiac wheel: Fire, Air, Earth and Water. Four large families in which the astrological signs are distributed. Hogwarts had better watch out, Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw have competition.

According to this thesis, natives of Fire signs - Aries, Leo and Sagittarius - would be more likely to fall in love with a person born under an Air sign - Gemini, Libra, Aquarius. It is a kind of soulmate fit. They are all rather extroverted, they have a taste for risk, they like to share, to be surrounded. They live at 1000 miles an hour without ever having to ask too many questions. Conversely, Water signs - Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces - and Earth signs - Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn - are the type to internalize everything. Although they are loyal and rather reserved at first, they like and need a certain security. Pragmatic, emotional, sensitive. You will have understood, these two combinations would be the most ideal. Thus, the Water and Earth signs share the same values when the Fire and Air signs vibrate on the same frequencies.


Friend, soulmate, crush or sworn enemy. To avoid a clash, it is better to bet on a nugget from the first date. Enough to avoid drama... Poor us, let's save our nerves! Here is a succinct list of the best love compatibilities of the zodiac.


They are as fiery and crazy as each other and that is undoubtedly what makes this union so inspiring. Between them, there is never any downtime. The two signs are unlikely to get bored. As proof, Aries, enterprising, likes to create surprise while Gemini, light and always optimistic, always has the right words to liven up discussions. The dynamic love compatibility that develops between these two signs is simple. From the first moment, we feel like we've known each other forever. The agreement is perfect, cou;d be the right soulmate. This couple therefore has every chance of lasting. With them, no day is ever the same. Even more, Gemini and Aries share a taste for risk. We will always find them scattered to the right, to the left, busy trying new activities. The blazing Fire of passion is constantly maintained. And that is the sign of powerful love.

If interested to find your soulmate click here

(to be continued)