Showing posts with label weekly horoscope. Show all posts
Showing posts with label weekly horoscope. Show all posts

Monday, July 15, 2024

Weekly horoscope July 15 – 21, 2024(II)

(In previous post you can see the horoscope for the rest of zodiac signs)

make new friends
♎ Libra (Balance): September 23–October 23

The astrological background will activate your sector of shared resources, investments and long-term money. Whether it's love or finances, it's time to start doing things differently. You will find the courage to make big changes and free yourself from partnerships that are no longer suitable for you. Your charisma and persuasiveness are also brought to a high level. The adventure and risk-taking sector will also be active, inspiring you to see limitless possibilities. You may receive interesting news and some romantic opportunities may open up. You will express your needs in a more direct way than usual, and if someone catches your eye, you may be the one to make the first move. Changes may also occur in the home and family sector.

♏ Scorpius (Scorpion): October 24–November 21

The astrological context will activate your sector that governs your commitments. You could start a new collaboration or romance, but on the other hand, you could end a long-term relationship or partnership. Be prepared for sudden changes in both your personal and professional life. The stars will support communication and you will feel much more ready to express your opinions and have honest conversations with those around you about what worries you or prevents you from being happy.

However, be very careful how you interact because conflicts can also arise. While it may be tempting to put someone in their place, focus instead on why you've built up so much anger. On the other hand, it is possible to get an affirmative answer related to a project that has been blocked until now. Read also: Zodiac signs that do not respect their partner. They have abusive behavior

♐ Sagittarius (Archer): November 22–December 21

During this period you may feel that you have supernatural powers and that nothing can stand in your way if you really want something. You will be ready to do great things. The astrological context urges you to pay attention to your body's needs and honor them. It's time for a radical lifestyle overhaul, but you have to be careful not to force yourself because you can face unpleasant consequences. Changes may also occur in your schedule so that you have more time for yourself. Conflicts at work may intensify and you may have to make some sudden decisions. You can get new job offers and opportunities to make more money.

You will have luck in negotiations. The social life sector will also be animated. You will have the opportunity to travel more often and make new friends. However, you must be very careful with whom you share your secrets. The stars warn you that words thrown lightly can lead to serious problems. Only talk about what's on your mind with people you trust completely.

♑ Capricornus (Goat): December 22–January 19

You will want more time for yourself during this period. The astrological background will stimulate your creativity, spark attractions and cause you to distance yourself from people who drain your energy. You will have the courage to get out of a tumultuous love story. On the other hand, if you act impulsively and let yourself be driven by passion, you may throw yourself into a controversial new relationship. If you do not want children, be careful because there is a chance of an unwanted pregnancy. The Full Moon forming in your sign will activate the house of self-expression, and your popularity could skyrocket.

Your messages can reach many people. It is also a good time for a radical change of look. The rhythm of your daily activities will become more dynamic. You could feel overwhelmed by the flood of ideas and projects that will come your way. One of your original visions could prove extremely profitable. You will feel motivated to improve your health as well.

♒ Aquarius (Water Bearer): January 20–February 18

You may feel a deep-seated restlessness that will prompt you to make major changes in your lifestyle. You'll be eager to break out of the mold and explore other directions. It can be about starting a family or buying a house. There is no recipe for your happiness other than having the freedom to write your own rules. You will be more confident in yourself and more curious to learn new things.

But be careful not to make too many impulsive moves because you can turn your life upside down and lose your balance. Conversations with the people you meet during this period could profoundly change your perspective on certain situations. The stars encourage communication and spontaneity, helping you make your mark in everything you do. The energy of this period also invites you to introspect. You have the opportunity to process all the emotions that have accumulated without realizing it. The astrological background could bring you emotional healing and the end of painful stages.

♓ Pisces (Fish): February 19–March 20

The astrological context will activate your house of communication and ideas and bring your real desires to the surface, helping you to express them in a more direct way. One of your innovative ideas could take shape, possibly out of the blue. You might be invited to collaborate with someone. However, be careful what messages you send because you can become quite competitive and assertive and cause some conflict with those around you. Emotions can be quite intense and can stimulate you to impose your point of view at any cost. Try to stay away from people who provoke you to react. A harsh line can destroy a relationship built over years.

It will be a favorable period for socializing, where you can make new friends. At the same time, you may feel inspired to get involved in an important social cause. On the other hand, professional luck could smile on you, especially if your passions align with your purpose. New opportunities for career advancement, promotions and important projects may arise. Create a strategy and use your creativity to the fullest.

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Weekly horoscope July 15 – 21, 2024(I)


full moon in capricorn
Mars in Gemini and Full Moon in Capricorn. Turning points for signs and major changes

 Weekly horoscope July 15 – 21, 2024. Mars-Uranus conjunction. Mars in Gemini and Full Moon in Capricorn. Read the weekly horoscope and find out what the stars have in store for you. Predictions for all zodiac signs.

The week begins with the Mars-Uranus conjunction in Taurus, which can bring major, surprising changes in the lives of the natives. On July 20, Mars enters Gemini, where it will remain until September 4.

 On July 21, the second Full Moon in Capricorn of 2024 will form, which may bring some challenges. Natives may experience intense emotional turmoil. Turning points for signs and major changes Important decisions can be made.

Read on for the weekly horoscope and find out how the signs are influenced. See what the stars have in store for you, depending on your zodiac sign.

♈ Aries (Ram): March 21–April 19

The financial sector will be active this week. You will feel motivated and eager to act to achieve greater gains, but you must be careful of impulsiveness, because you can make wrong decisions. It's a great time to step out of your comfort zone and materialize your creative ideas because you can earn significant income.

You may also face a turning point in your career. You can make a major decision related to your career path. The desire to change things will be strong. Before making long-term plans, explore your options and try to enrich your resources. Be careful who you share confidential information with because someone could take your credit.

♉ Taurus (Bull): April 20–May 20

During this period you may feel ready to make revolutionary changes in your life. Bold actions can work wonders, but don't try to change everything at once. The astrological background will activate the sector that governs your identity and it may be the moment you have always been waiting for, to transform into your best and most authentic version. You can start with a change of look.

It will be easier for you to let go of limiting beliefs and toxic patterns. The stars will support travel, study and evolution. You could take the opportunity to explore new places. At the same time, you can start a new professional project that can bring you success in your career, as well as an improvement in your financial situation. Opportunities for advancement in these sectors of life will be around the corner. Also read: The five zodiac signs that will break up by the end of July. Which natives will suffer from love

♊ Gemini (Twins): May 21–June 21

The astrological context could bring to the surface emotions you were unaware of and give you a chance to release fears and insecurities that have stood in the way of your evolution. This is an excellent time to notice your mental and emotional patterns that maintain your toxic attachments, outdated habits and beliefs, and limiting beliefs. You can discover your hidden talents and resources. The stars support you to understand your true desires and needs.

You can receive divine guidance and detach from the past. Changes may occur financially, but also emotionally because the sector that governs your unexpected earnings and privacy will be active. You can make a profitable investment or formalize your relationship as a couple. It's your chance to make your dreams come true.

♋ Cancer (Crab): June 22–July 22

This week you are supported to act to materialize some of your intentions. Astrological context can bring you clear decisions about your future. You may suddenly end a relationship or partnership if you feel they are slowing down your progress. You will be more eager to meet your own needs than the expectations of others. You could have the opportunity to make new friends or fall in love with someone you are on the same wavelength with.

On the other hand, it is possible to advance in your position or start a project that will help you get noticed professionally. At the same time, the house of healing, rest and conclusions will be active. If you have a spiritual or artistic gift, this is an excellent time to explore it.

♌ Leo (Lion): July 23–August 22

Professional issues become the focus of your attention. You may need to act quickly and make a completely game-changing decision. Collaborations and relationships may be affected. You may choose a new career path. It could also be a turning point in your overall mission in life. You will feel the need to reinvent yourself. Your goals can change radically.

It's important to prioritize your time for yourself to avoid reaching too high a stress level. It can be an excellent time to pay attention to your health. At the same time, the astrological context could trigger a deep cleansing of old patterns related to obligations. If you have given up your own mission to complete someone else's tasks, you will feel able to refuse to do other people's work.

♍ Virgo (Virgin): August 23–September 22

During this period, the sector that governs your travels and personal growth will be active. You can start new life chapters. It's time to relax and recharge your batteries so you can think clearly about the direction you want to go. If you're considering a career change, you might want to resume some studies or enroll in new courses. Unexpected situations could also arise that cause you to make some professional changes even if you do not intend to do so.

The astrological background will stimulate your creativity and is an excellent opportunity to make your talents known. You are among the lucky signs in love. Incredible chemistry could lead to a new romance. If you have a stable relationship and want to become a parent, you could receive the big news during this period.

(to be continued)

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Weekly horoscope June 17-23 - Achievements, happiness and success

happiness and success
For the week of June 17, 23, natives of all signs can expect success and special material achievements, as well as moods that will lead them to happiness.

Big astrological surprises predicted for the third week of june. New interesting professional actions begin, happiness and success is on the side of the luckiest of the natives.


Aries have a good week and will enjoy the start of a new action, the start of a successful professional activity. They will have positive material achievement.


Their energy is well channeled during this period. They have active force. They are dominated by ambition. They are dynamic, combative, successful and ultimately dominate the situations in which they get involved.


Gemini natives are fast from birth, but this week they kick into sixth gear. Through their quickness, they attract a beneficial change of situation into their lives next week. Due to this speed, they will be involved in travel. Chance is on their side


Cancers are reborn this week. They have freedom but at the same time save themselves from a difficult situation they managed to get into carelessly. They also have news this week, but also the return of a loved one they haven't seen in a long time.


As usual, Leo shines. The sun is on his side. It has its share of happiness and success. It will be affirmed. Leo natives will have their merits recognized. They can clarify a situation that until now they did not dare to put on the wallpaper. I show great vitality. They are successful in everything they do, and their creativity will be at extraordinary heights.


They have receptivity, patience, love for nature, but they also share secrets. A hot date keeps them hooked.


Libras have a week of good balance. They are masters of the situation. They will take a trip, possibly abroad. They have passionate breakthroughs and are sure to excel in everything they undertake. They have success, success and the signing of a contract.


Scorpios face the end of a situation where transformation is required. They must try to accept the change deeply.


They have the storm on their side. They worked hard in the previous weeks. They are troubled by a situation so they have anger, disputes. Their pride is hurt somewhere and they are full of nerves. They must try to avoid arguments, tears and anger as more caution is required to avoid a violent breakup.


Soon they will make a choice. You must give up hesitation, doubt, duality, restlessness and rivalry. He must think before he acts.


A week with a lot of wisdom from them. They need a lot of power of reflection and silence, but at the same time to withdraw a little in solitude with some elderly people with whom you can discuss some simple, beautiful things. An unexpected reward comes back to the fore.


They have a few days in which they will face bad faith from friends, acquaintances, possibly at work. An abandonment, a betrayal, but at the same time they are also prisoners of a situation and could not do much for the moment to get out of this situation. A little patience and everything will be resolved by the end of the week.