Friday, May 31, 2024

Mistakes in love and sex according to your zodiac sign (II)(libra - pisces))

making wrong choice
♎ Libra (Balance): September 23–October 23

Your problem when it comes to love and sex is that you have a hard time deciding. Afraid of making the wrong choice, you wait a long time to weigh each decision, turn it around, ask for advice, and when you finally decide it's too late. Most men don't have the patience to see you put so much thought into every little thing, and I don't understand why you can't just live life without dissecting it so much.

♏ Scorpius (Scorpion): October 24–November 21

Your mistake is that you are too passionate in any field, you put too much soul, you dedicate yourself to everything without thinking things through. Although you experience many disappointments, you never learn to mind and continue to jump headfirst into any relationship. Maybe it wouldn't hurt to be a little more reserved and restrained in your gestures, at least at the beginning of the relationship when making wrong choice.

♐ Sagittarius (Archer): November 22–December 21

You are a changeable person and very difficult to "read". You expect the person next to you to guess your thoughts when even you don't know exactly what you want from life, from a relationship, from a man. The combination of your demands and your indecision is often fatal for a relationship at the beginning of the road. When it comes to sex, you're just as weird.

♑ Capricornus (Goat): December 22–January 19

Capricorn is very introverted, cautious, reserved. On first dates, it can be a good thing because he sees you in an aura of mystery and likes to discover you. But over time he realizes that you are not mysterious, but just very introverted and that it is difficult for him to communicate with you, especially when there are problems in the relationship.

♒ Aquarius (Water Bearer): January 20–February 18

Your mistake is that you want your freedom too much. No one says that you have to stay by your lover's side all the time or not get out of his way, but you have to understand that a couple needs common activities - other than sex - of fidelity, trust, communication. These things are hard to build when you always want to be somewhere else.

♓ Pisces (Fish): February 19–March 20

You have a sensitive, romantic nature, which attracts strong men, eager to protect a frail lady. That is until they realize that you are much too sensitive, that you are not able to have a serious discussion without crying, or that you cannot stay alone for a few days without complaining. You need to be a little more independent, more confident and stronger.

These are just some of the common mistakes people can make in love and sex depending on their zodiac sign. It's important to remember that our zodiac sign doesn't completely define us. We are constantly evolving. Open communication and empathy are key to a healthy relationship, regardless of your or your partner's zodiac sign.

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Mistakes in love and sex according to your zodiac sign (I)(aries - virgo)

Learn here what mistakes you make in love and sex according to your zodiac sign, that may putt your relationship at risk

Each of us has certain flaws that sabotage sex parties or the couple relationship in general. Here are the mistakes you make in love and sex according to your zodiac sign.

Love and sex are important aspects of our lives. How we experience them can vary depending on our personality, which is influenced in part by our zodiac sign. Each zodiac sign brings with it certain characteristics that can have an impact on our relationships. In this article, we'll explore the common mistakes people make in love and sex based on their zodiac sign and give you tips on how to avoid them.

 ♈ Aries (Ram): March 21–April 19

What mistakes do you make in love and sex according to your zodiac sign? The most common mistake that Aries make is that they "light up" too quickly, both in bed and out of it. You fall in love quickly and without having all the "data" about the man in question, you make great statements and deeds, you plan, you make promises, you jump into his bed from the first, then you realize that things are not quite as rosy as you thought and not you know how to get out of a relationship faster.

♉ Taurus (Bull): April 20–May 20

With the laziness and slowness typical of your sign, you react hard to what happens to you, so men end up losing their patience before you get too far. And if you start a relationship, he will always feel that he has to "pull" you, make efforts to keep you close to him because you don't want anything in particular, you don't have any preference, you don't ask for anything and you don't offer anything.

♊ Gemini (Twins): May 21–June 21

Geminis are very communicative, something to be desired in a relationship. Unfortunately, women are too talkative and end up saying things they should keep to themselves. You have a habit of telling everything about yourself from the first, so that aura of mystery that gives the magic to the beginning of a relationship disappears rather quickly. You talk from the first about your life and sexual preferences, so he has nothing left to discover.

♋ Cancer (Crab): June 22–July 22

You are a warm and sensitive person, and your life partner is everything to you. Some men are delighted by this, but most are a little scared when they see that you are dependent on them from the beginning of the relationship. He wants to be your lover and lover, not your father. Your attitude kind of puts a damper on both sex and the relationship. You need to be more independent and sure of yourself. 

♌ Leo (Lion): July 23–August 22

Your pride and selfishness can ruin many relationships if you are not careful about how you behave. You are selfish in bed, outside of it, everywhere. Used to being in the first place, receiving, it's hard for you when you have to make a compromise or when you have to give something to the person you love. In addition, you can't stand him taking your place in the spotlight, not even when it's his birthday or celebrating a success.

♍ Virgo (Virgin): August 23–September 22

It is difficult for you to start or maintain a relationship because you are too demanding. First of all, there are few men who meet your criteria. You demand so much from a potential partner that those who fall into your pattern get scared and think they won't be able to cope, so they withdraw. Those who don't mind pretensions succumb to nerves because you are very critical and ironic.

(to be continued)

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Old Hollywood Hairstyle a Great Inspirational Source for Every Zodiac Sign (II)

wear hair depending astral sign
This post is related to virgo - pisces zodiac signs. About aries - leo read here

I don't believe in any other definition of a woman's beauty than the one that says when you like what you see, that something or someone is called... beautiful.

This is the reason for I strong believe that the old Hollywood hairstyle  can be a great source of inspiration.  That means, in fact, to wear hair depending astral sign. To choose the right hairstyle for your outfit, you need to keep in mind a few rules, with the aim of drawing attention to the important details of the outfit or, on the contrary, to avoid contributing to an overloaded look.

Observing old Hollywood hairstyle , we can see the approach of stars, actresses who have highly valued stylists behind them. This is why in Hollywood we find hairstyles that perfectly match the neckline, clothing style, and physical disposition. But it is important to match the hairstyle according to the zodiac sign as well. Here are some tips that can help a woman in her choice regarding old Hollywood hairsyle.

Look special hairstyle for each zodiac sign and low to wear your hair, depending on the astral sign you were born under

Read on to find out how your zodiac sign influences the way you wear your hair! My advice: wear hair depending astral sign

♍ Virgo (Virgin): August 23–September 22

The sensitive Virgo woman wants to look good in any situation, but without much hassle. She has many things to deal with in a day, so her hairstyle should not take up much of her time. Complicated haircuts are not for her, so she will opt for a classic, chic, easy-to-maintain style!

♎ Libra (Balance): September 23–October 23

Libra natives are known for their image, but they would never choose an asymmetrical haircut, no matter how cool it is. Long, short or medium, a Libra woman's hair will have a point of balance, a classic and feminine cut.

♏ Scorpius (Scorpion): October 24–November 21

The Scorpio woman is almost as vain as the Leo woman, so she will look great no matter the occasion. But that doesn't mean he spends hours at the hairdresser or spends half his salary on a new haircut or dye. She will prefer to arrange herself and her intuition and aesthetic flair ensure an amazing result!

♐ Sagittarius (Archer): November 22–December 21

Sagittarians prefer things uncomplicated, and they will treat their hair the same way. The Sagittarius woman is adventurous and will go out to explore the world without looking in the mirror ten times. That's because she always knows that her hair looks the way she wants!

♑ Capricornus (Goat): December 22–January 19

Don't underestimate the Capricorn woman just because she seems like the quiet type and attached to her family, she loves to feel beautiful. Capricorn always knows very well what he wants and what he can do to achieve his goals, so a stylish hairstyle is not difficult to achieve. A bob haircut is perfect for her, in vogue but also easy to arrange in a minute!

♒ Aquarius (Water Bearer): January 20–February 18

The Aquarius woman pays a lot of attention to her hairstyle, she will not leave the house without looking in the mirror at least once. This does not mean that she will invest a lot in cosmetics, if the hair looks good at first glance, that is enough for her!

♓ Pisces (Fish): February 19–March 20

The Pisces woman would spend hours arranging her hair if she were not distracted by other things along the way. She has to match her clothes, prepare her morning coffee, choose the perfect shoes for her mood, etc. In the end, she will wear her hair as simple as possible, relying on the natural look.

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Old Hollywood Hairstyle a Great Inspirational Source for Every Zodiac Sign (I)

woman hair
This post is related to aries - leo zodiac signs. About virgo - pisces read here

Each woman has her unique potential to be a role model for other women and to contribute to inspiring and motivating them on their path to success and personal fulfillment.

I don't believe in any other definition of a woman's beauty than the one that says when you like what you see, that something or someone is called... beautiful.

Depending on the outfit a woman chooses, she also needs to have a hairstyle that matches. The hairstyle should be created according to the strong points of her face or to cover small imperfections.

This is the reason for I strong believe that the old Hollywood hairstyle  can be a great source of inspiration.  That means, in fact, to wear hair depending astral sign. To choose the right hairstyle for your outfit, you need to keep in mind a few rules, with the aim of drawing attention to the important details of the outfit or, on the contrary, to avoid contributing to an overloaded look.

Observing old Hollywood hairstyle , we can see the approach of stars, actresses who have highly valued stylists behind them. This is why in Hollywood we find hairstyles that perfectly match the neckline, clothing style, and physical disposition. But it is important to match the hairstyle according to the zodiac sign as well. Here are some tips that can help a woman hair in her choice regarding old Hollywood hairsyle.

Special hairstyle for each zodiac sign. How to wear your hair, depending on the astral sign you were born under

Do you spend hours in front of a mirror arranging your hair or are you more the type to let your hair dry and then it's ready to go? Read on to find out how your zodiac sign influences the way you wear your hair! My advice: wear hair depending astral sign

♈ Aries (Ram): March 21–April 19

The Aries woman is too busy to bother with styling her hair every day. She will never waste three hours washing, drying and curling her hair. We believe that if it were not attached to the head, the Aries woman would exclude her hair from the daily toilet. She approaches her hairstyle in a casual, slightly careless style, which, however, looks millions every time!

♉ Taurus (Bull): April 20–May 20

Taurus natives are known for their sexuality, and a Taurus woman's hair is one of her sexiest features. She will pamper her hair with love before bed and in the morning, before going out the door, she will arrange her hair perfectly. The Taurus woman prefers very expensive care and styling products, which are recognized for adding a sophisticated allure to her hair.

♊ Gemini (Twins): May 21–June 21

The Gemini woman will not have the same hairstyle throughout her life, if she can, she will change her haircut very often. She likes to reinvent herself every day, and will look for a haircut that allows her to diversify. She will not be afraid to be eccentric: perms or weaves are options for her, as are strong colors: platinum blonde, extreme red or even blue strands.

♋ Cancer (Crab): June 22–July 22

The Cancer woman will choose a conservative haircut, long or medium hair cut and styled as simply as possible. Every once in a while she will follow her intuition and choose a completely new haircut that highlights her facial features.

♌ Leo (Lion): July 23–August 22

The Leo woman is conceited enough to put a lot of value on hair adornment and the hairstyle with which she shows herself in public. Whether it is straight or curly, blonde or brunette, long or short, the Leo woman's hair is always well-groomed and arranged. She would have no problem using her friends' or boyfriend's bathroom and cosmetics if needed, just to know she would look great.

(To be continued)

Monday, May 27, 2024

Weekly horoscope May 27 - June 2, 2024 (I) (libra-pisces zodiac signs)

weekly horoscope
(You can see here aries - virgo signs)

♎ Libra (Balance): September 23–October 23

You may have to make a decision related to your relationship as a couple. If you're feeling indecisive, ask yourself what advice you would give a dear friend. You can find the correct answer regarding the objective situation. As you weigh your options, try to stay clear and honest with yourself about your needs and wants.

On the other hand, the work and routine sector will be active. You'll be an unstoppable force when it comes to accomplishing your to-do list. You may feel ready to implement new strategies or create plans to help you be more productive.

♏ Scorpius (Scorpion): October 24–November 21

You might feel inspired to step out of your comfort zone and stop doing things automatically. The stars support you to take control to succeed in going in a different direction. Forget about your daily schedule and create a routine that helps you be efficient. You can also improve your health. Your house of creativity will also be active.

Despite other zodiac signs, your power of concentration will be at an all-time high. It's a great opportunity to learn something new and develop your communication skills. You will be able to express yourself in a much clearer and understandable way for others. Take full advantage of this chance to get your messages heard.

♐ Sagittarius (Archer): November 22–December 21

The astrological background will activate your friendship sector. Those around you might have big plans in which they want to include you, while you want to go in another direction and do something just for yourself. On the other hand, it can be an excellent time to pay more attention to your home. You could find solutions where you thought there were none.

You will be supported to put your house in order, reorganize your things, get rid of objects you don't use to free up space. This process of turning your home into a more pleasant place will also have an effect on an emotional level. You may also feel that you have freed yourself from negative emotions, worries and frustrations.

♑ Capricornus (Goat): December 22–January 19

The astrological background can bring you professional changes that can affect your personal life. Your workload may increase and you may need to stay overtime to complete your duties. There could also be an opportunity to advance your career, but which involves a move to another city or country.

You may have to change your job if you are not willing to compromise. Think carefully about the decisions you make because they can change your future. The stars urge you to focus on both your short-term plans and your long-term goals.

♒ Aquarius (Water Bearer): January 20–February 18

It's a week where you can find innovative solutions. You may have a decision to make, perhaps related to education. It's an excellent time to study something new or enroll in a refresher course. If a different field of activity attracts you, you might decide to start from scratch and do your best to develop your skills in that direction.

The finance sector will also be active. You will be much more organized and attentive to your expenses during this period. You will have the opportunity to make savings. Also keep an eye out for financial opportunities that may arise.

♓ Pisces (Fish): February 19–March 20

The weekly horoscope prdictions comes with good news for you. The astrological background will activate your financial sector. Important new opportunities to supplement your income may arise. You are lucky in investments and can achieve significant financial gains. Analyze various strategies and choose the most profitable one. At the same time, positive aspects related to the house of trust and expression are formed.

You will have the opportunity to impress your colleagues (orher zodiac signs) with your speech or creative ideas. Whether you feel ready or not, it's a time when you can assert yourself professionally.

Read weekly horoscope May 27 - June 2, 2024 (I) (aries - virgo)

Read weekly horoscope May 27 - June 2, 2024. The zodiac signs have a series of important decisions to make.

The astrological context can bring some challenges to the zodiac signs this week. The natives will have some choices to make. Their decisions will not be easy, but they can bring many positive aspects to their lives. The stars urge them to listen to their intuition and think creatively.

 Read the weekly horoscope and find out what the stars have in store for you. Predictions for all zodiac signs. Their lives can change radically

♈ Aries (Ram): March 21–April 19

The astrological context requires you to make a choice that can cause major changes in your life. You can listen to your heart and be true to yourself, or you can conform to the demands of others. Maybe you need to stop for a moment and think about what you really want to achieve in life.

There may be several ways to achieve your goals. Choose a path, get involved and give your best. You will have divine help. You will also attract the necessary support and resources to get you where you want to be. Trust your intuition.

♉ Taurus (Bull): April 20–May 20

This week you can receive an important life lesson. If you are on the verge of an important decisions, pay attention to the signs you receive from the Universe. Be open to new experiences and don't get stuck in outdated strategies and beliefs. If you want to progress, act with courage and determination in a new direction. "We slept together and at 5 o'clock I woke up and she was dead."

On the other hand, your friends house will be active. Someone close may need your help. They may have an idea, but not a plan. He knows where he wants to go, but he's looking for your guidance to chart a path to accomplishing his goals.

♊ Gemini (Twins): May 21–June 21

The astrological context prompts you to make some choices that are different from the usual ones. If you usually stay at home, now it would be good to go out more. If you sleep late, you may be making a habit of waking up earlier. Try doing things differently to enjoy different results. You'll thank yourself later. At the same time, your house of career and reputation will be active. You will have all the answers.

You will be able to strategically analyze a problem and find a good solution, and this can bring you professional recognition. It's also a good time to look for a new job if you're unhappy with your current one.

♋ Cancer (Crab): June 22–July 22

This week could come with some challenges. It is possible that you will be faced with difficult situations, where you will have to choose between doing something for yourself or doing something for your family. If you normally choose others, it may be time to put your own needs first. On the other hand, the house of travel and adventure will be active.

It can be a great time to plan a vacation. If you've always wanted to go to a certain destination, but didn't have enough money for it, now may be your chance. You may be lucky to find affordable deals.

♌ Leo (Lion): July 23–August 22

It is a time when you may make an important decisions regarding a commitment or agreement. If it's a relationship with someone close, your feelings may have changed and you want to change the dynamic. If it is a professional contract, you may want to renegotiate the terms. 

If the terms have been violated, you may end the collaboration altogether and start a new one. On the other hand, it can be a great time to make a major investment that will pay off in the long run. Be on the lookout for opportunities that arise so you don't miss the opportunity.

♍ Virgo (Virgin): August 23–September 22

It is a week in which financial challenges may arise. Even if you will be tempted to make some expenses, it would be better to postpone shopping. You may need money to deal with other things and fulfill some dreams.

The love sector will also be active and you may make some decisions together with your loved one related to your future and the joint budget. It would be good to start saving because it may be about buying a house or organizing a wedding.

(To be continued here with libra-pisces signs)

Saturday, May 25, 2024

Major changes for all zodiac signs starting at the end of May (II)

horoscope prediction

The planets in Gemini will offer new prediction perspectives to the Libra natives, which will enhance them. As horoscope reveals, for many Libras, a pedagogical perspective will open, and for others there may be another framework: as advisors or mentors. This period is conducive to start learning about new fields, which can be a springboard for their career later. All communication-related outings will be important for their personal future.


They are interested in money, not necessarily working, but intelligently speculating. Some can earn money from real estate, from areas they already own or from inheritances. Another method is to get money is from communication, against some information that they offer to the people around them. This financial benefit does not come only through their own effort. They can discover stray items that prove to be beneficial to their financial status.


For the natives of Sagittarius, it is a good prediction period for the growth of the idea they have. They become very communicative and easily accessible to those around them, they want to be visible, they want to contact people, and they will enjoy being in contact. They are interested in human contact and making waves, and others are interested in certain partnerships.


Capricorn natives have the planet in the area of ​​work, but also in terms of reorganizing their lives. They will learn to do things more simply both professionally and personally. It is a favorable period to simplify his actions. Some proposals will come to the workplace and they might work with young and new teams. These tools will help them stay in the books.


With this transit of the planets, Aquarius natives will change their mood, being more confident and optimistic.. They will see the glass half full. Some will think about becoming parents, others will get closer to their children or enjoy a professional development. Some get this energy because of love, either for someone or something.


There is quite a lot of commotion around Pisces natives, but Saturn will give them stability, because their private life and home will be in motion. The home will be a place where many people will enter and exit. Pisces who work in the area of ​​communication are at an advantage. The horoscope aspects are beneficial for those who move, who make very big changes and for those who rethink their private life rituals, in the family. Pisces, psychologically, go through great changes, validating their own qualities, which they will try to put into practice, one by one.

Friday, May 24, 2024

Major changes for all zodiac signs starting at the end of May (I)

Many horoscope aspects of the lives of all zodiac signs become clearer from May 24, 2024. With the entry of Jupiter into Gemini, the ground will be prepared for a year, for the stay of Uranus, who will enter Germeni in 2025 and stay for seven years . That is precisely why the mind of the natives will work at its best, with the awakening of study curiosities - both on a professional and personal level. Their world will place greater value on communication networks, being an aspect that will make them raise their consciousness and understand reality of zodiac signs.


It is a very stimulating period, with many long and frequent trips, in the next month for Aries natives. Meetings will be extremely interesting with people from whom they will learn things that will change their lives. They have a lot of paperwork to deal with. They can have ideas about new projects, with avant-garde tracks that they can develop, but for which they still need information. Mars, their planet, settles in the middle of June, in the area of ​​money, where it will stay for a month and a half/


Natives of Taurus can earn money from the area in which they already work or develop other small subfields of the industry in which they work. The various skills they have and the accumulated experience will bring financial fruition. They have the chance from now until a year from now to be very prosperous, to earn a lot of money. They have all the context to assert themselves and display themselves publicly as people who master a certain field, so that they can be promoted.


Many Gemini natives feel like they are breaking out of a lethargy or blockage. They decide to change their attitude and the way they relate to reality. If before they were used to complaining, not mobilizing, being negative, in the next period the black cloud will disappear and they will change radically. The solar and optimistic spirit will come to life, which is why some natives will give voice to older dreams or resume their studies.


For Cancer natives, the horoscope planets in Gemini have a challenging role: a change of perspective. I can learn how to protect my health from other people's illnesses, I can learn how to prosper financially from other people's sitations of material failure. They are very reflective, but in a contemplative way. They will learn many secrets that they did not understand before, either because the information was hidden or because they did not pay attention to certain details. They can receive many good gestures or even inheritances, which come as a result of investments made a long time ago.


Leo natives can be a model for those zodiac signs around them due to their work and actions. They create certain things that they offer to those around them, they will enter large groups of people and distinguish themselves as leaders. They work alone or generate ideas from their own minds, but people will be receptive to their ideas. They can launch intellectual or material products that will make them stand out.


The entry of the planets into Gemini will raise the career of the natives of Virgo to another level, especially if in the last year they have worked a lot intellectually and obtained the necessary diplomas and studied in addition to their profession. The better informed they are and the more intellectually diligent they are, the faster they will be promoted. In the next period they will have an immediate professional rise.

(to be continued)

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Chances of getting rich, depending on your zodiac signs

zodiac signs
I don't know if you ever thought that the stars could even influence your financial success. Let's see together what are the chances of getting rich, depending on the zodiac signs under which you were born.


Because you are a persistent and hardworking person, you have all the chances in the world to get rich. Your problem arises from the fact that you are also very stubborn, a fact that can put you in a position to lose all the money you receive.


And you have a great chance to get rich. But for you, the biggest danger is your life partner. The main problem of Taurus is that they can fall madly in love and lose large sums of money because of their life partners.


The chances of you getting rich are pretty slim... You're not even that lucky to win the lottery. But as hope dies last, we believe that you should not give up on your dream.


Cancers are lucky people, so they can expect windfalls, big prizes or inheritances throughout their lives. Somehow they luck into large sums of money without working very hard.


In order for a lion to get rich, he must like his work. In general, the natives of this sign end up being rich, because they are probably the hardest workers in the zodiac. But as every forest has its droughts, it is not a rule that all lions are hardworking and financially successful.


Because the natives of this sign can be duplicitous without any problem, and very cunning, they have many chances to get rich, but not on their own work, but on the work of others. Most of the time, virgin women find rich husbands, and men also end up marrying out of interest.


Unfortunately, the chances of you getting rich in this life are pretty slim. Even if intelligence helps you, you will always choose your jobs with an emphasis on passions and not financial reward. In any case, you can try your luck at the lottery!


You have a very high chance of getting rich, but unfortunately you won't be able to keep a lot of money in your account, because you are too impressed by the cases of those around you to not help them. And after you help everyone, you won't be left with too much money.


You have a chance to become rich, but that's only because you're very lucky. Your money will most likely come from an unexpected inheritance. Capricorn You brag about the money you have now for nothing. The stars do not prepare you for a spectacular future, from a financial point of view. Cut her some slack with the praise and the pride and maybe, maybe karma will be kinder to you.


It's for nothing that you brag about the money you have now. The stars do not prepare you for a spectacular future, from a financial point of view. Cut her some slack with the praise and the pride and maybe, maybe karma will be kinder to you.


You have to start being more realistic and responsible with money, if you don't want to die in poverty. Although you are lucky with money in life, the fact that you live with your head in the clouds does not help you at all. You risk losing all your money and ending up on the street!


Things are quite complicated with you. You are really good at making money and you have money, but for that you sacrifice your personal life. You will realize too late, probably, that you put your career before your family and you will regret it, but you will have no way back in chances of getting rich.

Monday, May 20, 2024

Gemini season brings luck to these two astrological signs

astrological predictions
This is the perfect time to try. In the coming weeks, Mars (iaction) advances in your sky. More ambitious than ever, dedicated to moving your business forward

Spring is now well established. The weather is nice and almost warm enough to want to reconnect with lightness. The month of May is full of (good) predictions between bridges and cosmic energies which invite us to release our creativity, we are gradually reconnecting with the simple desire to enjoy the small, simple pleasures of life. A new dynamic is underway, a turning point is taking place. It would even be one of the most decisive periods of the year. Enough to motivate certain astrological signs to see life in pink.


In the sky, everything is particularly bright. Between May 16 and 22, 2024, the stars form incredible alliances. This Saturday, the Sun (energy), Jupiter (luck) and Uranus (transformation) combine their powers to drive a wind of change. It’s about coming out of your shell, daring to do things differently and opening your perspectives to see tempting proposals born. At the same time, Venus, love, and Mercury, communication, also join the party. All these planets in Taurus help us dive into a real bubble of sweetness. Everything that is initiated will have a good chance of turning into a winning attempt. If it's ultra positive for Taurus, with such an accumulation of benevolent influences, it's the right time to roll up your sleeves and give the best of yourself. Be optimistic and dynamic, luck is with you.

A happy weekend then, but the rest of the week should not disappoint us either. For good reason, this Monday, the Sun enters the charismatic sign of Gemini. Its anniversary season officially begins, reconnecting us with lightness, creativity and good humor. After a period of taking care of yourself, your routine and your financial security, we are entering a much more festive phase. Enough to have a real feeling of freedom.


It’s finally his turn to shine predictions. After having patiently waited (or not) for its anniversary season, Gemini can finally boast of being the star of the moment. The astrologer emphasizes: “The arrival of the Sun will take place on Monday. His presence will bring you new energy which will make you see life on the bright side. » The craziest sign of the zodiac (and we tell you that in a good way) sees his energy increase tenfold. He wants to party, have fun and above all has the feeling that nothing can stop him. If this allows him to have good times with his loved ones, it is above all a perfect opportunity to take on small challenges to change his situation.

On the professional side, the period is ideal for putting your creativity to good use. He has flair and business acumen. The conjunction brings him luck. Let’s add the influence of Pluto which brings out new ideas and projects and it’s a boulevard that opens up to him. Opportunities emerge, alliances could motivate him to want to exceed his limits. Several options will be possible, but it will be up to you to make thoughtful choices over the long term. Again, nothing negative. The field of possibilities is widening. Now is the time to dare everything and explore unknown paths. In short, Gemini shines. Here he is elected star of the moment!


For the most romantic sign of the zodiac, it is finally time to reconnect with his first passion: flirting and loving in all lightness. For Libra, this week should be taken as “a page turning”. The beauty sees her desires come to the fore. But when it comes to change, the sky only has good surprises in store. It’s a new story that is being written thanks to “the double influence of the Sun and Pluto in complicit sectors,” admits the astrologer. What do we need to understand behind all this? “One of your priorities will be to regain autonomy to broaden your circle of relationships. » Libra regains self-confidence. She lets herself be carried away and asserts her desires more and more.

The Sun in Gemini invites him to release his playful and teasing side. She listens to herself a little more, she decides to establish her own rules while following feelings more than reason. This is whythe following advice is perfect: “Respond to this impulse of the heart which pushes you to see beyond your horizon. »Beautiful energies are aligned above his head. There is no need to wait until Monday to be carried by this positive momentum. This weekend, the Moon visits it forming beautiful aspects with Venus, Jupiter, Mercury and Uranus. This is the assurance that the coming days will be gentle and peaceful. The beauty reconnects with her emotions and self-confidence by taking care of herself. A true liberation!

Sunday, May 19, 2024

Weekly Horoscope May 20 - May 26, 2024 (II) (libra-pisces)

weekly horoscope
Weekly Predictions for libra-pisces signs May 13 - 19, 2024
For zodiac signs aries-virgo  you can find information here

♎ Libra (Balance): September 23–October 23

The Sun enters the sign of Gemini and it is possible to acquire new skills. The astrological background emphasizes education and it can be an excellent time to start a new course. Your mind absorbs information like a sponge. The Full Moon is in your house of community and communication. If you are planning to move, you can find the perfect place for you. Also, this astrological aspect supports you to have an honest discussion with someone close to you to clarify some things. 

Your messages could have a powerful impact on others. But be careful how you express your own truth. Choose your words wisely. Jupiter in Gemini will amplify your desire for freedom and travel. You can have a period full of new experiences. You will be more optimistic, more curious and eager for adventure than ever. You could have the trip of a lifetime.

♏ Scorpius (Scorpion): October 24–November 21 

The Sun in Gemini highlights resources. Even if you normally find it difficult to accept a favor for fear that some conditions might be imposed on you, this is a good time to ask for help. People you have helped in the past will be willing to help you in turn. The Full Moon in Sagittarius brings you money luck. You will be able to solve your financial problems and reap the fruits of your labor. You can ask for a raise or get a better paying job. 

Jupiter will also support you in your efforts to build your financial security. You will need to make some strategic moves to accomplish your goals. Be careful who you reveal your plans to because someone can steal your ideas. On a personal level, Jupiter activates the house of intimacy. You will have the opportunity to explore your sensual side, but also to strengthen your relationship as a couple. You can get married, engaged or become a parent.

♐ Sagittarius (Archer): November 22–December 21 

Your house of relationships will be illuminated by the transit of the Sun in the sign of Gemini. You can see more clearly where your connections are going. You will be able to clearly distinguish between a beneficial relationship and one that drains your energy unnecessarily. It's also a good time to examine past relationships to make sure you're not repeating the same toxic patterns. The Full Moon forming in your own zodiac sign supports you to get noticed. 

It might be the best time to launch a project you've been working hard on. If you've neglected your goals and prioritized the needs of others, it's the perfect cosmic climate to take time for yourself. Jupiter in Gemini will urge you to explore new visions with a person with whom you have a special relationship and who supports you to evolve. You will be more willing to relinquish control and compromise. Even if you step out of your comfort zone, the rewards you receive will be worth the effort. 

♑ Capricornus (Goat): December 22–January 19

The Sun in Gemini will help you make routine changes that will make your life easier. You'll be more productive than ever. Also, this astrological aspect supports you to improve your health and make time for spiritual practices. The Full Moon in Sagittarius will activate the house of endings, healing and rest and bring hidden emotions to the surface. You will feel ready to stop clinging to the past and let go of what is no longer right for you. 

Jupiter will transit your house of health. You will be more efficient, more emotionally stable, and more motivated than ever to really commit to what you do. You can take advantage of this astrological context to improve your lifestyle. You may also feel inspired to redecorate your home to make it more tidy and functional.

♒ Aquarius (Water Bearer): January 20–February 18

The way you express yourself will be very important in the coming weeks. With the Sun in Gemini you will feel inspired to dedicate time to work on creative projects that involve your artistic abilities. Your talents may be recognized by friends and art lovers alike. The Full Moon forms in the collaboration sector and you may have the chance to start a successful professional project. Relations with colleagues will improve considerably. 

On the other hand, you may decide to separate yourself from a group you no longer resonate with. Get out of the house more often to make new friends. Jupiter will transit your house of romance and self-expression. You will enjoy a lot of passion and expressiveness. It can be an excellent time to travel. If you are single, you can meet someone special on a vacation. If you have a stable relationship, you have a good chance of starting a family or becoming a parent. 

♓ Pisces (Fish): February 19–March 20

In the next period you may spend more time with your family. You can take advantage of the transit of the Sun in the sign of Gemini to organize an event at your home with the whole family or to visit your relatives. This sector will also be supported by Jupiter. You will have the opportunity to strengthen your relationships with your loved ones and solve recurring family problems. You could move to a new, bigger and more welcoming home. 

The Full Moon can give you the opportunity to shine professionally. You can get a promotion for which you have worked hard for a long time. A chapter can end to begin a new, much better one. It could be a higher position. You should also take advantage of this energy to reevaluate your relationships with those around you. It is important to see if there are dynamics that are limiting your progress.

For zodiac signs aries-virgo  you can find information here

Weekly Horoscope May 20 - May 26, 2024 (I) (aries - virgo)

Weekly Horoscope May 20 – 26, 2024 – Extraordinary opportunities for zodiac signs.

The week begins with the Sun in Gemini, a transit that will last a month and the signs will be more eager for changes and new life experiences. On May 23, a Full Moon will form in Sagittarius, and Venus will enter Gemini. Major decisions can be made during this period.

In the same sign, Jupiter will also begin its transit, where it will stay until June 10, 2025. Geminis are known for their communication skills and adaptability, and Jupiter in this sign could intensify these traits. 

♈ Aries (Ram): March 21–April 19

The Sun enters Gemini and the next four weeks could be very busy for you. You may receive many invitations and have many events scheduled. Your popularity will be on the rise, so it's a good time to meet new people. The Full Moon in Sagittarius gives you the opportunity to speak freely and say what's on your mind, without restraint. 

You can start a new chapter of your life and make decisions related to travel, study or career. Jupiter will enter the house of ideas and communication. You will have the strength and energy to do whatever it takes to make progress, whether it's professional or financial. It is a time when you can promote your ideas and explore your talents and promote major decisions. 

♉ Taurus (Bull): April 20–May 20

The Sun in Gemini can bring you new financial opportunities and it's a good time to set some money goals. You can find different ways to supplement your income in the next period. The Full Moon will form in the house of partnerships and investments. It's a good time to reassess your motivations and make major decisions. 

This astrological aspect could expose a secret or bring a turning point in a relationship. If you're ready to take it to the next level, now's your chance. Jupiter will enter your house of money and financial security. It's time to choose an idea and make a plan to develop it and enjoy prosperity. It can be one of the luckiest times for you. 

♊ Gemini (Twins): May 21–June 21

The sun is entering your sign and it's time to shine. In the next four weeks, you can make new friends or start a fruitful professional collaboration. If you are looking for a relationship as a couple, there is a good chance that you will meet someone suitable. It could even be the great love. The Full Moon in Sagittarius can bring a defining moment related to a relationship. It is possible to start a new professional partnership or formalize your relationship as a couple. 

On the other hand, if things don't work out the way you want, you could end a relationship. You will no longer invest in connections with people who do not appreciate what you have to offer. Jupiter enters your sign and asks you to look back and take stock of life lessons learned. It's time to stop fighting the current. Energy, motivation and optimism will be high. Also, your health can improve considerably. Use calendula flowers to heal your skin.

♋ Cancer (Crab): June 22–July 22

A spectacular week awaits you. The Sun, Venus and Jupiter enter your sign. It is a good time to reflect on the past. Let go of the things in your life that you no longer need. This astrological context will help you heal your wounds and overcome disappointments.  For skin wounds use calendula flowers. You will be able to look to the future with more optimism. The Full Moon is in your house of health and urges you to be more organized. It is a good opportunity to schedule a medical check-up, especially if you have been facing problems related to the digestive system. Calendula flowers helt to increase the blood flow

Also, if you're planning to change your lifestyle, this could be a great time to take action. Jupiter will transit the rest and healing sector and some chapters may close. This aspect guides you to find your way in life and urges you to spiritual practices. You can get out of some stressful situations, meet your soulmate or become a parent. 

♌ Leo (Lion): July 23–August 22

The Sun enters the sign of Gemini and a period awaits you in which you can practice your communication skills. You will be very sociable in the coming weeks. You may have many interesting interactions and there is a good chance that you will be seen as a group leader. The Full Moon in Sagittarius asks you to express your feelings freely and honestly. It activates your love sector and you can have moments full of passion and romance. 

If you feel attracted to someone you can start a new love story. If you wish to enlarge your family, the dream can come true. Jupiter in Gemini will liven up your social life. It is an excellent time to make new friends, but also to start new collaborations. Teamwork can help you successfully complete some projects.

♍ Virgo (Virgin): August 23–September 22

Your charisma will shine with the Sun in Gemini and you can easily get noticed. Popularity will increase in the next period and you could make significant progress professionally. You can expect recognition from your superiors. If you have your own business, you will have the opportunity to expand it. The Full Moon takes place in the home and family sector. If you are planning to move or sell a house, you can expect things to happen exactly as you dreamed. 

ou will also have the opportunity to strengthen your connection with someone you love. However, pay attention to the emotions because they will be particularly intense. Jupiter begins its transit in Gemini and activates your professional sector. You can get the stability you need in your career. It is possible to change your job or advance in position. You will be able to turn your ideas into concrete projects. Some of the dreams you've put off might come back for a second chance. 

(to be continued here with libra-pisces signs)

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Happy marriage compatibility partner

happy marriage compatibility partner
It's a fact that for a strong and happy marriage, compatibility with your partner is essential.

From the women's point of view, they look for qualities in their future life partner that guarantee that the chosen man can be a loving, caring, hardworking, loyal husband, but also a devoted father.

Here are the zodiac signs in which men are born who have the complete package to be ideal husbands related to happy marriage compatibility partner.


Cancer men are kind, gallant and caring. They care a lot about their partner's feelings and always want to protect them. The Cancer husband will always be very loyal, sensitive to his partner's needs and will do everything possible to ensure peace and harmony in the house. Cancer is very good at making the right gifts for family members, and for his wife he is willing to make superhuman efforts to make her happy.\


Virgo men are practical and reliable. They pay attention to details and are good at solving all problems. These natives work hard to make sure their partner and family are taken care of and feel safe. And for this native, family will always come first. Whoever marries a Virgo is a lucky woman.


The balance must always ensure peace in families. These natives are good at talking and finding solutions that make everyone happy. As husbands, they are fair and always want to make their partner feel loved and understood. They like to surprise their wife with outings to fancy restaurants or spontaneous weekend getaways. And they will buy their wife the most expensive gifts.


Scorpio men are passionate and fiercely loyal. They are honest and want their partner to trust them completely. They will do whatever it takes to give all their loved ones what they want. They will support their wife in everything she does and help her overcome her fears to become the best version of herself.


The Capricorn husband cannot be otherwise than hardworking and very responsible. He takes his marriage vows seriously and always does his best to provide the family with a perfect life. The Capricorn man is generous with his loved ones, especially the woman he loves, and likes to spoil her whenever possible with flowers, compliments and surprising gifts. Men born under this sign are loyal and reliable partners.


Pisces men are the sensitive and romantic of the zodiac. They are very good listeners and try to understand the feelings and needs of their loved one. They are very creative and love to add a little magic to their relationship. Your Pisces husband will bring you flowers for no particular reason and pamper you with all sorts of attentions just when you least expect it.

Friday, May 17, 2024

Weepy romance: Stress, fatigue and setbacks: in mid-May

weepy romance
Between May 16 and 22, 2024, an astrological sign seems shunned by the stars. Should we be afraid of it though? Let's see in detail the weepy romance

It is one of the most important times of the year. This month of May 2024 is marked by (very) beautiful energies which continue to combine pleasure and desire with luck and success. All astrologers agree that the situation is ideal for taking initiatives and making our wildest dreams come true. Boldness has never paid off so well. Zodiac signs feel inspired and determined to move forward. The pace is picking up for everyone. But if this promises great developments, an astrological sign unfortunately has a little difficulty keeping up with the group. It's not so much that he's dragging his feet, but rather that he risks feeling overwhelmed by all the events. He who loves his calm and tranquility is somewhat challenged by the stars. As a result (and it hurts our hearts), it tumbles to the bottom of the rankings and inherits the title of unluckiest sign of the week from May 16 to 22, 2024. 


Although she may be the queen of organization, it sometimes happens that Virgo cannot anticipate everything. While the energies of the moment invite her to dive into something new to come out of her shell and explore new avenues, the beauty loses her bearings somewhat sttarting a kind of weepy romance. Without really knowing what to expect, her mission is to react rather than act. A mode of operation that the most meticulous sign of the zodiac has difficulty understanding. Unfortunately for Virgo, the stars do not work in their favor. “The opposition of Saturn causes slight fatigue,” underlines the astrologer. For good reason, Virgo intellectualizes a lot. She is thinking about her strategy, how she could position herself, and new ways of taking responsibility. Obviously, this excess of savvy – to his credit – plays on his nerves. So, don’t focus on setbacks.


“Thank you, next”, here is the only sentence we want to hear coming out of Virgo’s mouths this week. For good reason, the very pragmatic queen of summer has every interest in focusing on the positive. Despite the intense pace and the need to constantly reinvent herself, nice surprises could slip into her path... Well, that's on the condition that she keeps an open mind and remains available. “Many planets in Earth sign support you. » To counter the effects of Saturn (master of time, order and rules), she can count on Venus (love), the Sun (energy) as well as “the meeting of Jupiter and Uranus ". What it means ? Virgo benefits from a beautiful alignment which stimulates their creativity.

Despite the intense cosmic mic mac, this astrological sign has every interest in remaining hopeful. He must learn to let go if he wants to be able to take control of his destiny. This month, “the planets help you to better calibrate your desires, to understand what you really want,” we explained to those born under the sign of Virgo. Enough to confirm that a real positive development is underway this weepy romance. A new beginning is about to be made. Not so unlucky, Virgo! Is not it ?

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Income distribution: Zodiac signs tempted to make false friendships.

income distibution false friendships
Zodiac signs tempted to make false friendships. They stay with you only for personal interest!

It's not always easy to tell if someone is your true friend or just a "friend of interest". It is a story income distribution relatedEspecially if the relationships are new, it takes a while to find out for sure whether or not you can rely on the person next to you and if they are worth your time and false friendship. From an astrological point of view, there are certain characteristics of each zodiac sign that help us discover one's true intentions and personality. In the next moments we will find out which are the natives of the zodiac who tend to befriend you easily just for personal interest.

♈ Aries (Ram): March 21–April 19. 

They have a strong and dominant personality. And, more often than not, they can be fun friends. But their impulsive nature can lead to inconsistent behavior in the friendship relationship. Aries natives have no problem letting go of friends quickly. Or they lose interest in maintaining long-term relationships with zodiac signs.

♊ Gemini (Twins): May 21–June 21

Gemini natives are known for their versatility and adaptability. While they are charming and fun characters, they also tend to be inconsistent in their false friendships and relationships of all kinds. Due to their dual nature, they have a big problem with commitments and may not always be reliable as friends.

♌ Leo (Lion): July 23–August 22

Leos are often seen as charismatic and confident individuals. They can be generous and loyal friends, but their egos and desire for attention overshadow their good intentions. Leo natives may tend to manipulate situations for personal gain.

♎ Libra (Balance): September 23–October 23

Libras want harmony and balance in their relationships. However, their constant need for validation from others can cause them to be shallow or insincere in their friendships. And they are not willing to make any sacrifice for those around them.

♐ Sagittarius (Archer): November 22–December 21

Sagittarians have an adventurous spirit and love their independence. They can be great companions for exciting experiences, but they are very restless and restless and lack the patience to build deep and lasting friendships. For these natives, the priority is personal freedom, not maintaining solid connections despite income distribution.

♑ Capricornus (Goat): December 22–January 19

Capricorns are often motivated and ambitious, reliable and hardworking. However, they focus too much on personal success and achievement, which can overshadow their ability to maintain deep friendships. Capricorns tend to prioritize their personal goals instead of thinking about investing time and effort into relationships.

♒ Aquarius (Water Bearer): January 20–February 18

They are independent and unconventional natives. And if you make friends with them, you can only win. If they weren't so distant and "aerial", maybe they would be able to build some deep emotional connections. Between a true friendship and their own ideals, they will always choose what is in their personal interest.

Monday, May 13, 2024

The Alchemy of Love Compatibility: which signs go best soulmate? (II)


Taurus is undoubtedly the most romantic lover of the zodiac. For her part, Virgo dreams of a relationship where we swear fidelity to each other. Together, it’s for life or nothing. Both signs speak the same love language. They understand each other the alchemy without having to talk too much and see their relationship evolving towards the same goal. Taurus will reassure Virgo, he will push her to gain confidence in herself and to stop doubting. For her part, Virgo, organized, will fill Taurus' need for security and stability. Even more, she will know how to put an end to her perpetual questioning. It must be said that Taurus in love can sometimes be jealous... Both are devoted. Their life together will therefore be made up of sweet words on the pillow and little surprises to brighten up everyday life. A pure love that constantly maintain soulmate alchemy.


They are the Bonnie and Clyde of the zodiac. Lively, fiery, temperamental and at the same time so tender. Leo and Aquarius form a magical duo... So much so that they could end up exhausting those around them. Together, they talk about everything, they inspire each other, they move forward, they aim for the summits. As curious as each other, Leo and Aquarius are constantly looking for something new. How to break their routine? If, at first glance, one might think that they take everything lightly, in reality, they dedicate themselves to spicing up each other's lives. They marvel together and each situation is an opportunity to enjoy life to the fullest. Halfway between Carpe Diem and Dolce Vita, they let themselves be carried away by a saving current. We love each other, we have fun. What more alchemy?


The feeling passes from the first words spoken. Intellectuals at heart, Sagittarius and Libra never stop challenging each other. Enough to plan long evenings vigorously discussing almost all subjects. Together, they remake the world by listening to each other as if nothing else existed around them. It must be said that both are particularly curious, which promotes communication and exchange between the couple. Sagittarius invites Libra to free itself, it takes it on a journey, transports it to a universe where passion is ardent, burning. For her part, the beauty of the zodiac pushes Sagittarius to open up, she broadens his field of possibilities. In bed, same observation. The two never get bored, they are constantly trying new things, having fun. The fusion is perfect and the antics are as adventurous as they are exotic.


In their relationships, Cancer and Scorpio are in search of the same happiness: to experience everything so passionately that the rest automatically takes second place. He shares the same sensitivity and has a similar outlook on the world. When they love, it’s never half-hearted. The two give their whole body and soul to the other without the slightest hesitation. In addition to having the same tastes, they enjoy the same creative sensitivity. It is therefore a fusional soulmate relationship that is emerging on the horizon. A couple who say everything to each other, a duo who listen to each other and who operate on the same dynamic. Trust is the keystone of this relationship. They know that they will never be betrayed. A bit of a blue flower, Cancer will bring sweetness to Scorpio when Scorpio makes Cancer vibrate. Together, they become invincible.


It is undoubtedly the most sensual alliance of the zodiac. Both beings vibrate at the same frequency. Touch, caress and sweet words. Taurus and Pisces could live on love compatibility and water


Please note, it seems important to us to emphasize that astrology is not an exact science. The love compatibilities mentioned above may sometimes not work. Yes, the astrological sign only represents a tiny part of your personality, which is why you may have the impression of not finding yourself in what you read about your sign. The ascendant, your moon sign, the placements of Venus or Mercury in your birth chart can also play a role in your preferences and expectations. Have you just met? Do not rush. Let the magic of the present moment and the power of destiny work.

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Weekly Horoscope (libra-pisces) May 13 - May 19, 2024 (II)

weekly horoscope
Weekly Predictions for libra-pisces signs
May 13 - 19, 2024
For zodiac signs aries-virgo you can find information here

♎ Libra (Balance): September 23–October 23

The astrological context activates your house of resources and power. You could have a significant financial gain. Also, someone with the knowledge you need might be able to help you. Even though you need to have a clear idea of what you want, you'd better be prepared to adapt if the Universe offers you something better.

Mercury enters the sign of Taurus and you may find that you are more interested in business and investments than usual. This is a good time to review your long-term financial strategy or enroll in an investment course.

♏ Scorpius (Scorpion): October 24–November 21

The relationship sector will be active and you may meet an extremely interesting person. You may develop a strong attraction and want to get to know her better. It might do something very unusual or have an eccentric way of being. This new connection could lead to a wonderful friendship or you could start a new love story.

You will also enjoy support in love from Mercury. The transit of this planet through the Taurus sign will help you to expand your circle of friends, but also to enter new groups of professionals in your field of activity.

♐ Sagittarius (Archer): November 22–December 21

This week your positive attitude leads you to success. The astrological background animates your house of habits and routines, dear Sagittarius. You will be more efficient and better organized. Not only will you be more productive, but you'll also have more free time. It could also be a great time to adjust your sleep schedule so that you wake up more rested.

Mercury in Taurus supports you in any endeavor to improve your health. You can adopt new habits that will give you more energy and help you heal. You can see positive results in just a few weeks.

♑ Capricornus (Goat): December 22–January 19

Positive astrological aspects are forming in your house of fun and adventure. You might feel inspired to do something you've never tried before. You might find that you really like it and that you are talented. This activity could be related to creativity or outdoor activities. If you're looking for love, chances are you'll meet the right person. Get out of the house to meet new people.

Mercury enters Taurus and supports you to push your limits. You will have the opportunity to step out of your comfort zone and learn to be comfortable with situations in which you previously did not feel comfortable at all. Think of one small step you can take every day.

♒ Aquarius (Water Bearer): January 20–February 18

Even if you care about your family and respect your loved ones, you may want to go in a different direction and follow your own path. The stars will show you more clearly than ever what that new path is. On the other hand, Mercury will activate the home and family sector and you may interact more often than usual with people close to you.

You could learn the news that you will become a parent and you may start renovating the house. Your entire schedule may change. Also, someone might come to live with you for a while. Read also: Zodiac signs that change their jobs in the summer of 2024

♓ Pisces (Fish): February 19–March 20

This week your house of higher thinking will be active and you might have a brilliant idea. You will find original ways to put it into practice. It's good to have a big picture, but most of all it will help you to take small steps to make things happen the way you want. The stars will support you in making plans for the next chapter of your life.

Mercury in Taurus will give you support in terms of communication. Your power of concentration will be at an all-time high. You will have the opportunity to learn something new. You will be lucky in negotiations and could sign a new contract.

Weekly Horoscope (aries - virgo) May 13 - May 19, 2024 (I)

weekly horoscope
Mercury enters Taurus. Zodiac signs are lucky with money. Gemini natives can get rich

The astrological background comes with good news for the zodiac signs this week. Mercury, the planet of communication and reason, enters Taurus on May 15. The transit will last until June 3, 2024. Zodiac signs are lucky with money. Gemini natives can get rich In general, natives will be more practical and careful with their actions. They'll have brilliant ideas, but they'd rather walk the beaten path.

Predictions for aries-virgo signs for May 13 - 19, 2024 week
For zodiac signs libra-pisces you can find information here

♈ Aries (Ram): March 21–April 19

Money luck will accompany you this week. You can have unexpected earnings. You could get a bonus or a loan you wanted could be approved. It is also possible to sell something for a much better price than you would have expected.

On the other hand, Mercury asks you to analyze your spending habits. You have the opportunity to discover how you can manage your budget so that you can also make savings. This is also a good time to talk to someone about long-term financial plans.

♉ Taurus (Bull): April 20–May 20

The astrological background activates your house of personal expression and gives you the chance for auspicious changes. You grow intellectually and spiritually and this changes how you present yourself to the world. You can draw attention from some new directions. You could make new friends and enjoy deep connections.

Mercury enters your sign and asks you to pay more attention to the things that bring value in your life. You will stop focusing on the negative things because you realize they are not bringing you what you are looking for. The conversations you have with those around you will inspire you to break free from old negative patterns.

♊ Gemini (Twins): May 21–June 21

This week the opportunities will be numerous. Your house of spiritual revelations will be active and you may receive divine help. A new vision of your future can motivate you to start a new chapter of life. You could be fascinated by a new idea or concept. With Mercury in Taurus, it's a good time to do a little money magic.

You have a great chance to get rich. Investments you make now can pay off in the long run. You will also have luck in negotiations and you may save some money. Enjoy this astrological context to the fullest because it is very beneficial for you.

♋ Cancer (Crab): June 22–July 22

During this period you will enjoy more harmony inner, which will help you connect with like-minded people. It's a great time to expand your circle of friends. Even connecting with just one person could open up a whole world of connections for you in the future.

Mercury in Taurus will help you redefine what you expect to gain from the work you put in. You may realize that your current job does not meet your expectations. It might be a good time to explore the opportunities available. At the same time, you may be looking for ways to earn more money

♌ Leo (Lion): July 23–August 22

This week luck will be on your side in terms of career. Unexpected changes could take place in the professional plan, revealing certain opportunities to you. It is possible that a boss leaves and you can fill the vacancy, or a new department is formed and a leader is needed. The chances of advancement are very high.

Mercury in Taurus will amplify your ability to negotiate for what you want. You can get a significant raise. It can also be a great time to enroll in a communication course or use other educational materials to gain new knowledge that will help you advance in your career.

♍ Virgo (Virgin): August 23–September 22

The astrological background gives you a chance to let go of some outdated beliefs. This can change your life in a surprising way. Blockages and obstacles may disappear from your path and you will be able to enjoy harmony and success.

Mercury in Taurus asks you to focus on exploring practical skills. Once you understand the concept, you just have to practice. This energy amplifies your motivation and perseverance. You can become an expert in a new field.

(to be continued here with predictions for libra-pisces here)

Saturday, May 11, 2024

The Alchemy of Love compatibility: which signs go best soulmate? (I)

Some astrological signs are meant to be together by their alchemy. They are inseparable and the chemistry that arises from their meeting is undeniable. Discover the best love duos of the zodiac.

Lucky coincidence or lucky date, it is the alchemy. Love is one of those things that is sometimes difficult to explain. Why did you match at first sight? Why can't you stand this kind of people anymore? Why do you always fall for the same profiles? This is where astrology comes into play. This divinatory art would have the gift of putting into words the behavior and preferences of each person. Depending on your astrological sign and that of your other half (or your crush), it is possible to establish certain profiles. And because love at first sight happens quickly, it’s better to find out about the magic combinations that exist. In this area, there is plenty to do. While some astrological signs don't go together, others seem to be made for each other. A simple story of love compatibility… A short guide to understanding everything, a short guide to soulmate..


Since the dawn of time, the way in which romantic relationships are orchestrated has fascinated crowds and inspired artists. Myth or reality Or The Alchemy?? It's a bit up to everyone their own answer. Whether we believe it or not, astrology has established several very distinct criteria to assess the rate of romantic compatibility between two beings. To do this, it is necessary to look at individuals’ natal charts. This “astrological identity card” which we obtain from the time, date and place of birth of each person allows us to draw up a most complete profile. Venus will tell us the way of loving and the meaning we give to the word couple, Mercury will detail the way of flirting and building romantic relationships, the Moon will evoke the way in which we experience our emotions. In short, the list of things to look at romantic relationships in love compatibility is quite complete.

Astrologers use a technique called “synastry” which aims to compare the astral chart of lovers to highlight the common points and questions that the couple might encounter. If you're a big romantic, chances are you're wondering "where's the magic in all of this?" ". The answer is simple: almost everywhere... Yes, it's magical to see that certain astrological signs are more likely to get along than others. Question of character… and “elements”, retort the astrologers.


There is a theory based on the elements that make up our environment. A sort of legend, which, applied to love and the compatibilities of astrological signs, takes on its full meaning. “Fire extinguishes Water, Water nourishes the Earth, Earth suffocates Air, Air fuels Fire. » The most advanced of the apprentice witches will surely have recognized the four elements of the zodiac wheel: Fire, Air, Earth and Water. Four large families in which the astrological signs are distributed. Hogwarts had better watch out, Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw have competition.

According to this thesis, natives of Fire signs - Aries, Leo and Sagittarius - would be more likely to fall in love with a person born under an Air sign - Gemini, Libra, Aquarius. It is a kind of soulmate fit. They are all rather extroverted, they have a taste for risk, they like to share, to be surrounded. They live at 1000 miles an hour without ever having to ask too many questions. Conversely, Water signs - Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces - and Earth signs - Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn - are the type to internalize everything. Although they are loyal and rather reserved at first, they like and need a certain security. Pragmatic, emotional, sensitive. You will have understood, these two combinations would be the most ideal. Thus, the Water and Earth signs share the same values when the Fire and Air signs vibrate on the same frequencies.


Friend, soulmate, crush or sworn enemy. To avoid a clash, it is better to bet on a nugget from the first date. Enough to avoid drama... Poor us, let's save our nerves! Here is a succinct list of the best love compatibilities of the zodiac.


They are as fiery and crazy as each other and that is undoubtedly what makes this union so inspiring. Between them, there is never any downtime. The two signs are unlikely to get bored. As proof, Aries, enterprising, likes to create surprise while Gemini, light and always optimistic, always has the right words to liven up discussions. The dynamic love compatibility that develops between these two signs is simple. From the first moment, we feel like we've known each other forever. The agreement is perfect, cou;d be the right soulmate. This couple therefore has every chance of lasting. With them, no day is ever the same. Even more, Gemini and Aries share a taste for risk. We will always find them scattered to the right, to the left, busy trying new activities. The blazing Fire of passion is constantly maintained. And that is the sign of powerful love.

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(to be continued)