Thursday, May 30, 2024

Mistakes in love and sex according to your zodiac sign (I)(aries - virgo)

Learn here what mistakes you make in love and sex according to your zodiac sign, that may putt your relationship at risk

Each of us has certain flaws that sabotage sex parties or the couple relationship in general. Here are the mistakes you make in love and sex according to your zodiac sign.

Love and sex are important aspects of our lives. How we experience them can vary depending on our personality, which is influenced in part by our zodiac sign. Each zodiac sign brings with it certain characteristics that can have an impact on our relationships. In this article, we'll explore the common mistakes people make in love and sex based on their zodiac sign and give you tips on how to avoid them.

 ♈ Aries (Ram): March 21–April 19

What mistakes do you make in love and sex according to your zodiac sign? The most common mistake that Aries make is that they "light up" too quickly, both in bed and out of it. You fall in love quickly and without having all the "data" about the man in question, you make great statements and deeds, you plan, you make promises, you jump into his bed from the first, then you realize that things are not quite as rosy as you thought and not you know how to get out of a relationship faster.

♉ Taurus (Bull): April 20–May 20

With the laziness and slowness typical of your sign, you react hard to what happens to you, so men end up losing their patience before you get too far. And if you start a relationship, he will always feel that he has to "pull" you, make efforts to keep you close to him because you don't want anything in particular, you don't have any preference, you don't ask for anything and you don't offer anything.

♊ Gemini (Twins): May 21–June 21

Geminis are very communicative, something to be desired in a relationship. Unfortunately, women are too talkative and end up saying things they should keep to themselves. You have a habit of telling everything about yourself from the first, so that aura of mystery that gives the magic to the beginning of a relationship disappears rather quickly. You talk from the first about your life and sexual preferences, so he has nothing left to discover.

♋ Cancer (Crab): June 22–July 22

You are a warm and sensitive person, and your life partner is everything to you. Some men are delighted by this, but most are a little scared when they see that you are dependent on them from the beginning of the relationship. He wants to be your lover and lover, not your father. Your attitude kind of puts a damper on both sex and the relationship. You need to be more independent and sure of yourself. 

♌ Leo (Lion): July 23–August 22

Your pride and selfishness can ruin many relationships if you are not careful about how you behave. You are selfish in bed, outside of it, everywhere. Used to being in the first place, receiving, it's hard for you when you have to make a compromise or when you have to give something to the person you love. In addition, you can't stand him taking your place in the spotlight, not even when it's his birthday or celebrating a success.

♍ Virgo (Virgin): August 23–September 22

It is difficult for you to start or maintain a relationship because you are too demanding. First of all, there are few men who meet your criteria. You demand so much from a potential partner that those who fall into your pattern get scared and think they won't be able to cope, so they withdraw. Those who don't mind pretensions succumb to nerves because you are very critical and ironic.

(to be continued)

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