Sunday, November 10, 2024

Weekly Horoscope November 11-17, 2024 (II)

(this post is a continuation of previous entry)

The signs have been used to determine the time of the year
spiral of zodiac signs
♎ Libra (Balance): September 23–October 23 With Saturn going direct in the house of health, work and organization. You will be, more analytical, able to return to a more balanced lifestyle and a healthier routine. Some health problems can improve. Venus in Capricorn may spur you to gather family members to talk about your biggest dreams. You could open discussions about buying a house or getting land. 

You might start some negotiations about joint ownership or pooling resources to invest in material goods. The Full Moon in Taurus will form in the sector that governs your privacy, investments and financial partnerships. You could receive an unexpected financial gain, such as a loan, inheritance or bonus. A sudden passion could also appear in your love life. But you shouldn't rush in.

♏ Scorpius (Scorpion): October 24–November 21 

You may feel more ambitious than ever. Connecting with the people around you could open your way to new opportunities to make your dreams come true. At the same time, you may be more eager to find ways to express your ideas to the world. Saturn in your house of love life will bring you more stability in your relationship with your loved one. If you are single, it will be an excellent time to go out on romantic dates. 

The Full Moon will form in the partnership sector and can bring unexpected changes and upheavals in your relationships. It doesn't have to be a breakup or marriage proposal, although it's not out of the question. Someone close to you could bring you shocking news or face a new life situation that could upset your well-laid plans.

♐ Sagittarius (Archer): November 22–December 21 There are so many things you want right now, and Venus' energy may help you find the most effective ways to get them. Your ambitions are high. This is a great time to look for the resources you need to accomplish your goals. With Saturn going direct in the sign of Pisces, matters related to home and family receive a positive energy. Relationships with loved ones can improve or you can make a number of good decisions related to housing. You will have more time for rest and relaxation. You will also be able to focus more on your personal care routine. 

The Full Moon in the house of health could cause you to make some radical changes to improve your lifestyle. It's a good time to review your habits and determine what you need to do to be able to manage your stress better. You will be able to put things in order more easily. Also read: Lucky zodiac signs that will not be the targets of Mercury retrograde in November

♑ Capricornus (Goat): December 22–January 19 With Venus in your sign, your charisma will be high, as will your ambition. This is an excellent time to look for a job or ask for a promotion, but also to launch or expand your own business. You can attract important professional and personal connections. If you're looking for love, luck is on your side. Direct Saturn and the Full Moon come to bring more fun into your life. You can expect more passion, but also twists and turns. If you have something on your mind or a big idea to share, you'll find the courage to speak up thanks to Saturn's energy. 

Give people a chance to become your collaborators before you reject them at the first failure. Patience and perseverance will help you gain ground. Thanks to the Full Moon, a creative project could bring you recognition. It's time to get rid of the formalities. Express your wishes directly, without flourishes, and you will see that they will come true.

♒ Aquarius (Water Bearer): January 20–February 18 With Venus in Capricorn, you may give up social activities to work on an important project. You will want to be more withdrawn so that you can focus on the things that really matter to you. You will soon reap the fruits of your labor. Saturn going direct will push you to be more efficient, disciplined and balanced with money, forcing you to create smarter habits. That means letting go of the desire for immediate gratification and focusing on long-term goals. Build your way to your goals step by step. 

The Full Moon will form in your home and family house. It is a strong energy and you have to be careful of the emotional instability that can occur. Challenges may arise related to relationships with loved ones or colleagues. Be one step ahead of this upheaval. It's important to set clear boundaries and realistic expectations, both at home and at work.

♓ Pisces (Fish): February 19–March 20 Saturn returns in direct motion in your sign, more precisely in your house of self. You will be able to continue your personal transformation. The energy of this transit will support you to look at your priorities and goals with a critical eye and make sure they are aligned with your values. It's important that you get to use your energy and resources for things that really matter to you. If you suppressed your authentic voice, this will end. On the other hand, a Full Moon will form in your house of communication and community. You have a message to share, and it's going to come out, whether you expect it or not. 

You will feel inspired to come forward with a positive speech, but you have to adapt to the audience. Venus enters Capricorn and your professional aspirations and ambitions in general could be supported by valuable connections. You are entering a period where you can meet people who can help you evolve quickly. Now you can meet new people and create important connections in the professional environment.

We will continue in subsequent posts with information on the signs that will have an excellent course on all levels and are the lucky ones of the zodiac! What do you think? Do you recognize yourself in our horoscope? We look forward to your thoughts and comments

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