Sunday, July 7, 2024

Weekly horoscope for July 8 - 14, 2024 (I)

relationships with your loved ones
Venus, the planet of love and money, enters Leo on July 11, 2024. 

This transit, which will last until August 5, will have a major influence on the sentimental sector. The natives will be more passionate and romantic, more eager to express their love. They will be lucky in love, but also in other ways.

Read this weekly horoscope and find out how the signs of Venus in Leo are influenced. See what the stars have in store for you, depending on your zodiac sign

♈ Aries (Ram): March 21–April 19

It is good to take care of your loved one and children. It seems that sentimental grievances are accentuated, and discussions on old topics keep resuming. Caution and patience! There is a lot of work at work, but work is done with pleasure. However, do not force the grade and solve your work assignments correctly and on time. Health is vulnerable, so it is good to take proper care. Apparently there is harmony at work, but in the shadows there are smoldering conflicts. A new stage opens in partnership relations.

This week, you may feel ready to make a change in your life. You will be on the move more than usual. Maybe you will be excited about a new project or you will rush to finish something before the deadline. You can also prepare for a trip. Your thoughts will turn to the future. It's an excellent time to make plans, gather information, create strategies, think about where you want to go and what you need to do to get what you want. Venus in Leo enters the love sector and can bring you summer adventures, but also the opportunity to fall in love or strengthen your relationships with your loved one.

♉ Taurus (Bull): April 20–May 20

There is some domestic bustle at the beginning of the week, having to deal more with the needs of family members. Cleaning, repairs, purchases of heritage goods or the sale of others that are superfluous to you. Caution in sales and purchases of any kind, because errors of appreciation of the price or the condition of the respective good are possible. Emotionally there is some harmony and stability, but be cautious. There are smoldering grievances that are good to consider. You can carry out recreational activities successfully.

The astrological background will activate the financial sector and new opportunities to supplement your income may arise. Consider the big picture and long-term plans when determining how to use your budget. Be careful with your expenses because you will need savings if you want financial security. At the same time, you will feel in harmony with the energies. On the other hand, Venus, the ruler of your sign, enters your home and family sector. Relationships with your loved ones may improve and you will be stimulated by this transit to make changes related to the home to feel more comfortable at home.

♊ Gemini (Twins): May 21–June 21

Many discussions with people from the close entourage, short-distance travel, intellectual endeavors and solving some personal and professional matters. You can be a little overwhelmed by the hustle and bustle around you, but with a little effort and kindness you'll get through it all. At home, there is harmony in the family, you can get along well with family members, and the living space seems to be a bit brighter. Conflicts in the home and in the family can only arise if you provoke them out of the blue. Organize your time and resources!

This week you will enjoy a lot of positive energy and the opportunity to make yourself noticed. You will have a clear vision of the things that need to be done, and those around you will appreciate your initiatives. It's a good time to take control and guide others to success as well. A great opportunity could come through an acquaintance. Chances are good that you will get a great job offer, maybe even from abroad. With Venus in the communication sector it will be a favorable period for constructive dialogues, negotiations, learning. You will also be more eager to travel. You may have the opportunity to meet someone special, with whom you can start a new love story.

♋ Cancer (Crab): June 22–July 22

The focus of the week is related to the income you get from a job. On the one hand, you receive salary rights, favors or valuable information related to the future of your earnings, but on the other hand, your soul grievances are founded. It's good to limit yourself to the bare essentials and leave investment plans for another time. You can consult with people from your close entourage, but without telling them too much about yourself and your intentions. Conversations and meetings means relationships with your loved ones.

This week you have divine help. Pay attention to the spiritual messages you may receive. They can come in any form and show you the way. You will feel motivated to take action to achieve some important goals. It is the ideal time to ask questions or ask for a favor because you can have remarkable opportunities and achievements. If this is in harmony with your meaning in life, the door will open wide. At the same time, Venus in Leo will inspire you to dedicate yourself to the things you really value. Do something creative or romantic this week to make the most of the energy of this astrological aspect. It will be a favorable transit for the financial sector as well. Additional income opportunities may arise.

♌ Leo (Lion): July 23–August 22

You are very energetic at the beginning of the week, which is why it is good to deal with your personal plans leisurely. The chances of renewal are high and with long-term effects. Select priorities and follow them closely. On Wednesday and Thursday you should receive money or gifts from the workplace, maybe not as much as you expected, but enough to solve your immediate emergencies and needs. Good information about pay and working conditions. The people from your close entourage are by your side.

The astrological background activates your future plans sector, and it's a great time to create new strategies to achieve your goals without feeling limited. You can also implement some older ideas. The stars will open the way for you to progress in your career and you may receive job offers that are hard to refuse. The universe is putting things in motion for you and luck will accompany you in everything you do. It's your chance to shine professionally and capitalize on all the hard work you've put in to get here. In addition, with Venus in your sign you will enjoy a magnetic energy and be able to attract whatever you desire. You can improve your relationships with your loved ones, but you can also start a new chapter in your love life.

♍ Virgo (Virgin): August 23–September 22

You need quietness and inner meditations, so organize your schedule so that you take care of yourself and your spiritual needs at leisure. The information obtained in less common ways will help you understand the situations in which you are involved and find special solutions to get out of the impasse. In the second part of the week you will feel better, returning to the midst of others with fresh forces. Unexpected and quite large expenses arise. You receive money from the professional segment.

Favorable aspects form in the sector that governs your reputation and social status. You can discover the secret of success and it is an excellent time for negotiations. Whether you want more income or a new professional collaboration, luck will be on your side. You can act with determination and confidence to achieve your goals. You don't need to know all the steps to get to your destination. Pay attention to the hints you will receive. On the other hand, Venus in the sign of Leo activates your health sector and supports you in improving some conditions, but also in improving your lifestyle. You can discover new effective remedies for your health problems, but also ways to balance yourself emotionally.

(to be continued)

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