Monday, July 8, 2024

Weekly horoscope for July 8 - 14, 2024 (II)

(In previous post you can see the horoscope for the rest of zodiac signs)

♎ Libra (Balance): September 23–October 23

relationship with your loved ones
Conversations with friends and joint actions with some of them will open your week. Strange aspects somehow prevail, and it is possible to part with some, considered until recently, as important and irreplaceable friends. Caution is recommended with these people, as they have petty interests in the shadows. Health is vulnerable throughout the body, but with an emphasis on old ailments, so be cautious and take care of yourself properly. Vital energy fluctuates, so you need rest and detachment from everyday life.

Your house of wisdom and understanding will be active this week. You can absorb information like a sponge and it's a great time to study something new. Curiosity can lead you down interesting paths and you might discover new talents and interests. Also, a new project could inspire you and give you a shot at business. You shouldn't think too much, but act and experience new things. On the other hand, Venus in Leo will liven up your social life and is a good opportunity to expand your horizons. You will have the opportunity to meet new people, to socialize more, to make new friends, but also to strengthen your relationships with those around you. There is also a chance to turn a friendship into a romantic relationship.

♏ Scorpius (Scorpion): October 24–November 21

The first part of the week brings you to the forefront of the socio-professional segment. Discussions with important people, meetings with representatives of institutions related to your workplace, a carousel of events, sometimes difficult to follow and understand. Choose your words and gestures carefully, because many will watch you closely and point out the slightest error. You will be supported by friends and hopeful advisers, especially by men. Listen to your inner voice when you have to make decisions.

Your house of power and financial success will be active this week. Open your mind to new concepts and what you learn can help you accumulate more money. This is an excellent time to develop your skills and talents with which you can attract prosperity into your life. It is a good period for investments, financing, discovering new sources of income. On the other hand, Venus transits the professional sector and will be a favorable period for career development. Luck will be on your side and you can reach the heights of success in surprising ways. But pay attention to details, rules, conditions.

♐ Sagittarius (Archer): November 22–December 21

You will definitely reevaluate some of your ideas, beliefs and life plans during the first part of the week. Through discussions with erudite people or through cultural and intellectual activities, you will very easily and quickly succeed in giving up outdated thinking patterns and adopting a different system of moral and spiritual values. It's all about keeping your authenticity and measure. Proceedings for distant journeys. Bosses and authorities will challenge you to professional explanations or invite you to important meetings.

The astrological context will activate your house of relationships and partnerships. You will have the opportunity to solve a series of couple problems, improve your relationship with your loved one or meet someone suitable for you, with whom you can start a new love story. This positive energy can also influence friendships and connections with family members. You will tend towards more stability and harmony in your relationships with those around you. In addition, Venus in Leo can help you get rid of some outdated beliefs and convictions to adopt new life principles that will help you in your evolution. It is an excellent time to study something new, but also to travel more often.

♑ Capricornus (Goat): December 22–January 19

There is a need to deal with paying bills at the beginning of the week and dealing with financial institutions. On the other hand, you can see heated discussions with your life partner, relatives or collaborators on the subject of money and jointly managed assets. Distant journeys, long-term studies and the necessary improvement in the professional field are topics that you should think about at your leisure and even take the necessary steps to materialize them. In the second part of the week, professional changes take shape.

The astrological context will activate the health and well-being sector. You will have the opportunity to improve your lifestyle and find effective remedies for health problems. The stars will guide your steps towards the solutions you need. Be open to different approaches. You will also have the opportunity to use your knowledge in a real situation. Not only can you help yourself, but you can also help someone you love. A connection with a close person can become much stronger. At the same time, Venus in Leo can bring improvements in your love life. It is a time when passion and romance will be at their peak and you can have special relationship with your loved one. If you are single, you have every chance to fall in love.

♒ Aquarius (Water Bearer): January 20–February 18

Partnerships are very active at the beginning of this week. Heated discussions from family or housing matters are possible. There will also be topics related to money and assets managed and used in common with others. You may have to spend large sums of money on the whims of your loved ones or on the blunders of a co-worker or business partner. On the other hand, you may receive gifts or money from a collaboration. Partnership aspects can also be clarified.

The astrological context will activate your house of creativity and children, an aspect that will stimulate you to make new life plans. You might consider higher education, family travel, or showcasing your talents. It's an excellent time to materialize some older ideas. If you need help to achieve your goals, you will be able to find the perfect allies. It might even be your family members. Venus is transiting the partnership sector and will support your partnership initiatives. At the same time, you will have the opportunity to improve both your relationship as a couple and your connections with your colleagues or collaborators.

♓ Pisces (Fish): February 19–March 20

The week begins with many routine tasks, whether you are at home or at work. Select the priorities, because the body is tired and would need rest or even specialized care. Partnerships are active on Wednesday and Thursday through important discussions regarding common actions or collaborations in which you want to get involved. They are favorable moments for the relationship with your loved one, the life partner and with those in business. Financially, shared expenses with others are taking shape. Some will try to get money from you.

It is a time when you can learn something that will change your perspective on your future. You may realize that you have talents you didn't know you had and opportunities not yet tapped. You might also discover a family connection with a personality you admire. With this new information, your goals may change. You will realize that you are capable of more. The stars support you to remove the blockages that stand in the way of your evolution. On the other hand, Venus transits the work and health sector. Things will settle down in these life sectors, you will be able to get rid of stress and the workload can be reduced. Improvements in your health may also occur.

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