Monday, October 14, 2024

Weekly Horoscope for 14 - 20 October 2024 (II)

(this post is a continuation of a previous entry)

expect a mix of highs and lows 
♋ Cancer (Crab): June 22–July 22

The Full Moon will form in the house of career, ambitions and public image and can bring you an important turning point in your professional life. Something you've been working on for the past six months might come to fruition. If you've been feeling unsure about your career direction, this astrological aspect will bring clarity and could even open the door to a new opportunity. The intense energy of the Full Moon pushes you to fight for what you truly deserve. 

You may need to take the lead, but your efforts will not go unnoticed. Venus will transit your work and health sectors and you will have the opportunity to make improvements in these areas of life. You can adopt a healthier lifestyle. You can also get unexpected benefits at work.

♌ Leo (Lion): July 23–August 22

The Full Moon in Aries brings a surge of energy to the sector that governs your expansion, travel and higher learning. You may experience the completion of a long-term goal or a major breakthrough in your personal development. For clues about what might be happening, reflect on the New Moon in Aries on April 8. If you've worked to expand your horizons, learn something new, or put in the effort to get an important project off the ground, you'll finally reap the rewards of your labor. 

You will also feel the motivation to step out of your comfort zone and pursue your wildest dreams. It can be about studying abroad, launching a new project or taking a brave career risk. Venus will support you emotionally and you will enjoy a period full of understanding and passion. If you are single, you can find your soul mate. Also read: Signs that lose money in October. They have unexpected expenses and bad luck in business

♍ Virgo (Virgin): August 23–September 22

The Full Moon will form in the sector that governs your intimacy and lasting connections. This astrological aspect could cause you to put an end to a complicated love relationship or a professional partnership that no longer benefits you. The stars encourage you to take action and assert yourself, especially in relationships that are based on power dynamics or shared resources. Reflect on the April 8th Solar Eclipse for clues about what may be ending now. 

On the other hand, the energy of this Full Moon will encourage you to start a new partnership, be it professional or sentimental. You may decide to take your relationship to the next level. With Venus in Sagittarius you will have the opportunity to improve your relationships with family members as well.

♎ Libra (Balance): September 23–October 23

The Full Moon will form in your seventh house, that of relationships, bringing matters of balance and trust to the fore. This astrological aspect can bring about a major change in a close relationship, whether personal or professional. Even though it may seem difficult to express your needs, the stars give you extra energy and strength. 

Emotions may come to the surface and you may have the opportunity to strengthen a bond, set clear boundaries or put an end to a situation that is bothering you. Venus in Sagittarius will support you in dialogues and you can have an honest conversation with your life partner related to your privacy. You can establish a new dynamic together that meets everyone's expectations.

♏ Scorpius (Scorpion): October 24–November 21

The Full Moon will influence your house of health, work and daily routines. This aspect could reveal the results of the efforts you have put into your wellness or career projects. Have you been consistent in your self-care or have you worked hard towards a professional goal? You will get recognition or you can see what changes you need to make to achieve a better balance. It's an opportune time to take control of your well-being and prioritize routines that support your success and personal growth. 

You are supported by the stars to take bold action. You could change the team at work, find a better job, or get outside help to better manage your workload. Don't be afraid to express your needs and set clear boundaries, but do so respectfully. Venus in Sagittarius transits the relationship sector and supports you to make future plans with your loved one.

(the weekly horoscope will be continued in next post)

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