Monday, October 14, 2024

Weekly Horoscope for 14 - 20 October 2024 (III)

(this post is a continuation of a previous entry)

A week full of twists and turns
♐ Sagittarius (Archer): November 22–December 21

The Full Moon in Aries will form in your house of creativity and romance. If you've been working on a passion project or had romantic encounters, this astrological aspect could bring things to a head, pushing you to make bold decisions. It will be a good opportunity to assert yourself and take control of your personal desires. Go forward with confidence. This is your time to shine and let your talents be seen and admired. Reflect on the Solar Eclipse in Aries on April 8 for clues about what may now come back into focus. 

Since the fifth house also rules children and fertility, you could receive news of a new family member. On a personal, but also relational level, the transit of Venus through your sign will support you. You will be more concerned about your image and you will have the opportunity to form new connections.

♑ Capricornus (Goat): December 22–January 19

During this period your house of family and home will be active. There may be a turning point in your life that could lead to a decision or realization related to your home life, family dynamics, or living space situation. There could be an opportunity to move to a more spacious place, complete a renovation project, or resolve an issue with a family member. A baby could be on the way, motivating you to make significant changes in your life. Because it is an astrological aspect with intense energy, you may have difficulty managing your emotions. Blockages related to rational thinking may appear, I would like to pay attention to the tensions that may arise, especially on a professional level. 

You may need freedom of expression, but overwhelming demands and deadlines may prevent you from expressing yourself. Instead of giving in to the pressure, use this revelatory moment to stop doing things that sabotage you personally and professionally. Say no to what doesn't work. With Venus in Sagittarius you will be able to get over disappointments in love more easily and rebuild your life.

♒ Aquarius (Water Bearer): January 20–February 18

The Full Moon will activate your communication sector, bringing solutions or answers you've been looking for. If you've considered a collaboration or are working on a joint project with someone else, you may begin to see a clear path for what form this plan should take. An initiative or idea that appeared in April could reach a critical point. Are you ready to let go of a limiting mindset? Pay attention to your thoughts and words, they shape your reality. It is an excellent opportunity to make a change in your habits. 

You will be able to experience the world in a completely different way. The stars support you to assert yourself through your ideas. Whether you're resolving a conflict with a relative or sharing your opinions with the people around you, don't be afraid to express your point of view. Your words have power, and this is your time to communicate what you want clearly. Venus brings improvements in relationships with friends.

♓ Pisces (Fish): February 19–March 20The Full Moon in Aries will form in your house of money, values ​​and personal resources. This astrological aspect could bring you solutions for financial matters or decisions related to the efficient management of your resources. You might get a raise, a promotion or a new job offer. 

If you tried to attract a customer, you should get a clear answer, either positive or negative. Also, if you've reached a limit, you may decide it's time to go down a new path. You will have the courage and motivation to resign in order to take advantage of new career opportunities. You will also be supported professionally by Venus in Sagittarius. You can achieve some great goals.

We will continue in subsequent posts with information on the signs that will have an excellent course on all levels and are the lucky ones of the zodiac! What do you think? Do you recognize yourself in our horoscope? We look forward to your thoughts and comments

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